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map type:-
Marmocchi 1839
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Map, Parte Settentrionale dell' Inghilterra, the North Part of England, scale about 21 miles to 1 inch, by Marmocchie, Florence, Italy, 1839 edn 1842.
The map is a later version of the map by Carli?
The flag, upper right, is labelled La segna della Squadra Azzurra; it appears to be the flag of the blue squadron, ?Azores Squadron, of the english navy.
(example private collection (94))
map feature:- up is N & scale line & lat and long scales (conical projection, longitude W from London and E from Isola dell' Ferro ? in the Canaries) & lat and long grid & sea plain & coast shaded & rivers & lakes & county & settlements & roads
inscription:- printed upper left
inscription:- printed lower right
wxh, map:- 313x226mm
inscription:- printed above English scale line
Miglia statutarie d' Inghilterr. di 69 1/2 al' grade
scale line:- 60+10 miles = 86.2 mm
scale:- 1 to 1400000 ? (1 1360892 to from scale line)
thumbnail, button to large image

sources:- private collection

items seen (illustrated items in bold):-
   private collection (94) -- map -- Parte Settentrionale dell' Inghilterra -- North Part of England