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Waterhead parish
county:-   Cumbria
old county:-   Cumberland
locality type:-   parish
1Km square:-   NY6066
10Km square:-   NY56
10Km square:-   NY66
references:-   OS 1974 Admin Areas

evidence:-   census:- Census 1971
Population: 279 (1971)

NY58026597 Allieshaw Rigg, Waterhead 
NY59656572 Appletree, Waterhead 
NY5664 Banks Burn 
NY57936491 Bankshead, Waterhead 
NY63436776 baths, Gilsland Spa 
NY61316570 Bill Waugh's Pool, Waterhead 
NY61496629 Birdoswald Farm, Waterhead L
NY61526635 Birdoswald, Waterhead 
NY61286600 Blackbank Wood, Waterhead 
NY57536564 Bowgreen Wood, Waterhead 
NY63536768 bowling green, Gilsland Spa 
NY61566705 Breckney Bed Bridge, Waterhead 
NY61546718 Breckney Bed, Waterhead 
NY61856633 Chapel Field, Waterhead 
NY63356884 Collering Wood, Waterhead 
NY59086497 Comb Crag, Waterhead 
NY59066538 Combcrag Cottage, Waterhead 
NY63046781 Common House, Waterhead 
NY58636507 Craighead, Waterhead 
NY58526462 Crammel, Waterhead 
NY59466752 earthwork, Waterhead 
NY61846660 earthwork, Waterhead (2) 
NY59706812 Field Foot, Waterhead once
NY63096662 fingerpost, Gilsland 
NY63276698 fingerpost, Gilsland (2) 
NY59036538 fingerpost, Waterhead 
NY63536782 footbridge, Gilsland Spa 
NY63426796 footbridge, Gilsland Spa (2) 
NY62146632 footbridge, Upper Denton 
NY63226766 gas works, Gilsland gone?
NY63116620 Gilsland CofE Primary School, Gilsland 
NY63596769 Gilsland Spa Hotel, Gilsland 
NY63686775 Gilsland Spa, Gilsland 
NY63716773 Gilsland Woods, Gilsland 
NY63336645 Gilsland, Waterhead 
NY63416805 Green Grove, Waterhead gone?
NY58026462 Greenmouth Lane, Waterhead 
NY58586491 Guns Hall, Waterhead 
NY61196623 Hadrian's Wall, milecastle 49 to 50 
NY6167 Harrow's Beck 
NY62036644 Harrow's Castle, Waterhead gone
NY62066642 Harrow's Scar, Waterhead 
NY61536805 Height, Waterhead 
NY60406555 High House, Waterhead L
NY62426686 Hill, Waterhead L
NY62926636 Hobb's Hole, Gilsland 
NY6169 Jamie's Hill Sike 
NY61506696 Kiln Hill, Waterhead 
NY59946492 Lanerton, Chapelburn L
NY58256507 Leahill, Waterhead 
NY59486498 Leap Quarry, Waterhead 
NY59406501 Leap, Waterhead 
NY57606483 limekiln, Waterhead 
NY60736698 Lordsgate, Waterhead gone
NY58606551 Meg's Well, Waterhead 
NY60956660 Midgeholme Moss, Waterhead 
NY60686602 Milecastle 50, Waterhead 
NY59306549 Milecastle 51, Waterhead 
NY57936491 Milecastle 52, Waterhead 
NY62966824 milestone, Waterhead 
NY63256699 milestone, Waterhead (2) gone
NY59076637 Miller Hill, Waterhead 
NY62496872 Moscow, Waterhead 
NY63216647 Mumps Hall Bridge, Gilsland 
NY61756680 Murrays, Waterhead once
NY60136620 Nanwick Hill, Waterhead 
NY57416520 Northrigghill, Waterhead L
NY63416910 Old House, Waterhead once
NY63216683 Orchard House, Gilsland L
NY57706479 Pike Hill, Waterhead 
NY5865 Piper Sike 
NY6267 Red Beck 
NY62986660 Red Beck Bridge, Waterhead 
NY62746677 Rock's Grave, Waterhead 
NY59076504 roman inscription, Waterhead 
NY5865 Sandy Sike (3) 
NY57656479 signal tower, Waterhead 
NY61336704 Slack House, Waterhead 
NY60326866 Snowden Close, Waterhead 
NY63466764 Spa Villa, Gilsland L
NY632727 Spadeadam Forest, Kingwater 
NY62127430 Spadeadam Rocket Establishment, Spadeadam 
NY63036788 spring, Gilsland 
NY63306790 spring, Gilsland Spa not found
NY63556782 spring, Gilsland Spa (2) 
NY63366730 St Mary, Gilsland 
NY63606710 stepping stones, Gilsland 
NY59046536 stone, Waterhead 
NY57686483 Stonehouse, Waterhead gone
NY63756769 swimming pool, Gilsland Spa 
NY58056452 Tod Hill, Waterhead 
NY58616529 Tommy's Crag, Waterhead 
NY59476680 Triermain Castle, Waterhead 
NY59406679 Triermain, Waterhead 
NY58836531 turret 51A, Waterhead 
NY58386512 turret 51B, Waterhead 
NY57476472 turret 52A, Waterhead 
NY61946617 Underheugh, Waterhead 
NY59186550 Wall Bowers, Waterhead 
NY5965 Wall Burn 
NY58406432 Wallholme Bridge, Waterhead 
NY58356434 Wallholme, Waterhead 
NY59466754 Watch Hill, Waterhead 
NY61546704 water trough, Waterhead 
NY61716856 Waterhead Common, Waterhead 
NY63476776 spring, Gilsland Spa (3) 
NY60806541 spring, Waterhead 
NY61606704 Kiln Hill Bridge, Waterhead suggested
NY63546815 Popping Stone, Waterhead 
NY4758 Irthing, River 
NY61996641 Milecastle 49, Waterhead 
NY61146621 turret 49B, Waterhead 
NY62126645 roman bridge, Willowford 
NY61556627 roman fort, Birdoswald 
NY6166 Hadrian's Wall L
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