Irton with Santon |
county:- |
Cumbria |
old county:- |
Cumberland |
locality type:- |
parish |
1Km square:- |
NY1101 |
10Km square:- |
NY00 |
10Km square:- |
NY10 |
10Km square:- |
SD09 |
10Km square:- |
SD19 |
references:- |
OS 1974 Admin Areas
evidence:- |
census:- Census 1971
Population: 496 (1971) |
places:- |
NY09510027 Aikbank Farm, Irton |
NY12480145 Ain House, Irton with Santon |
NY10180167 Bitt, Santon |
SD0799 Black Beck (14) |
NY07740103 Blackbeck Bridge, Gosforth |
SD07859970 Blackbeck Bridge, Holmrook |
NY13100028 Bower House Inn, Irton with Santon L |
NY13190027 Bowerhouse Bridge, Irton with Santon |
NY11000163 Bridge Inn, Santon Bridge |
NY11910309 Burnt House, Irton with Santon |
NY14400226 Caddy Well, Irton with Santon |
NY10210167 Chapel House, Santon |
NY12090373 Cold Well, Irton with Santon |
SD08559970 Cookson Place, Irton with Santon |
NY10680249 Crag House, Irton with Santon |
SD10879975 Cragg Farm, Irton with Santon |
NY10480256 Craghouse Bridge, Irton with Santon L |
NY09160046 cross, Irton |
NY13050115 Cubben, Irton with Santon |
NY13710344 Easthwaite, Irton with Santon |
SD10329931 Eelbeck Ground, Irton with Santon gone |
NY12940347 Flass Tarn, Irton with Santon |
NY12710342 Flass, Irton with Santon |
NY12840375 Forest Bridge, Nether Wasdale |
NY12800189 Gallys Bedstock, Irton with Santon |
SD09919864 Gasketh, Irton with Santon |
NY10780408 Gaterigghow Bridge, Gosforth |
NY10820392 Gaterigghow, Irton with Santon |
NY10920200 Gatesgarth, Irton with Santon |
NY11570225 Gill House, Irton with Santon |
NY1403 Greathall Gill |
NY11180210 Greengate, Irton with Santon gone |
NY09000115 Greenlands, Irton with Santon L |
SD08359935 Gubbergill, Irton with Santon |
NY10130131 Hall Santon, Irton with Santon L |
NY10110238 Hanging How, Irton with Santon once |
NY08340106 Hewrigg Farm, Irton with Santon |
NY08170056 High House, Irton with Santon |
NY13340112 High Keyhow, Irton with Santon once |
NY10320287 Hollins Bridge, Irton with Santon |
NY10800311 Hollins, Irton with Santon |
NY10800145 Holly Bush House, Irton with Santon L |
NY08280013 Holmrook Hall Bridge, Irton with Santon L |
NY08100009 Holmrook Hall, Irton with Santon |
SD07859959 Holmrook, Drigg and Carleton |
NY10140132 house, Irton with Santon L |
SD08019954 Irt Bridge, Holmrook |
SD08219943 Irt Cottage, Holmrook |
NY10610047 Irton |
NY136024 Irton Fell, Irton with Santon |
NY10540056 Irton Hall, Irton with Santon L |
NY11880047 Irton Park, Irton with Santon |
NY120016 Irton Pike, Irton with Santon |
NY13240029 Keyhow, Irton with Santon |
NY1000 King Oak, Irton |
NY08950018 Kirklands Farm, Irton with Santon |
SD10659956 Kitchen Ground, Irton with Santon |
NY12690278 Latterbarrow, Irton with Santon |
NY11660169 London Head, Irton with Santon |
NY14140390 Lund Bridge, Nether Wasdale |
SD09689991 Mainsgate, Irton with Santon |
NY11870122 Malkinson memorial, Irton with Santon |
NY1202 Mecklin Beck |
NY11190199 Mecklin Bridge, Irton with Santon |
NY127023 Mecklin Park, Irton with Santon |
NY11080207 Melthwaite Side, Irton with Santon once |
NY12410127 memorial, Irton with Santon |
NY07750102 milestone, Irton with Santon |
NY10600110 Mill Place, Irton with Santon |
SD07959992 mill, Holmrook gone |
NY10550121 mill, Santon Bridge suggested |
NY13540143 Miterdale Forest, Irton with Santon |
SD10059839 Miteside, Irton with Santon L |
SD088991 Moor End, Irton with Santon |
SD09459896 Moorgate, Irton with Santon |
SD11459960 Murthwaite Bridge, Muncaster |
NY09240018 Old School, Irton with Santon |
NY09190035 Old Vicarage, Irton |
NY10730136 pagoda, Irton with Santon |
NY10290214 Park Grove, Irton with Santon once |
NY11810058 Parkgate Tarn, Irton with Santon |
NY11320023 Parkgate, Irton with Santon |
NY09280158 Peat Pot, Irton with Santon |
NY12440039 Plumgarth, Irton with Santon |
SD13709997 railway bridge, Irton Road |
NY09940177 Santon |
NY11220153 Santon Bridge Village Hall, Santon Bridge |
NY11010162 Santon Bridge, Irton with Santon |
NY11020162 Santon Bridge, Santon Bridge |
NY09240118 school, Irton with Santon (2) |
SD09709938 school, Irton with Santon (3) |
NY110018 Seed Hill, Irton with Santon |
NY12290012 Sleathwaite, Irton with Santon |
NY09570220 Sorrowstones, Irton with Santon |
NY11800366 Stang Ends Farm Cottage, Irton with Santon L |
NY11780366 Stangends, Irton with Santon |
NY08070072 Stock Bridge, Irton with Santon |
NY10560050 summer house, Irton with Santon gone? |
NY08110026 Virgin Mary Well, Holmrook Hall perhaps |
NY09120049 war memorial, Irton |
NY08890143 Wardwarrow, Irton with Santon |
NY11070164 post office, Santon Bridge |
NY1002 Irt, River |
NY1602 Mite, River |
NY09160047 St Paul, Irton L |