Hugill |
county:- |
Cumbria |
old county:- |
Westmorland |
locality type:- |
parish |
1Km square:- |
NY4400 |
10Km square:- |
NY40 |
10Km square:- |
SD49 |
references:- |
OS 1974 Admin Areas
evidence:- |
hearth tax returns:- Hearth Tax 1675 placename:- Hugill
source data:- |
Records, hearth tax survey returns, Westmorland, 1674/75. "Hugill"
evidence:- |
hearth tax returns:- Hearth Tax 1670 placename:- Hewgill
source data:- |
Records, hearth tax returns, exchequer duplicates, Westmorland,
1670. "Hewgill"
evidence:- |
census:- Census 1971
Population: 378 (1971) |
includes |
place:- |
Hugill Constablewick |
places:- |
NY44870152 Acretarn Plantation, Hugill |
SD44919846 barn, Ings L |
NY45680109 Bell Green, Hugill gone? |
NY4501 Black Beck (16) |
SD43419876 boundary stone, Hugill |
SD46759831 boundary stone, Staveley |
SD44579861 bridge, Ings |
SD43539951 Broadgate Farm, Hugill |
NY45600055 Browfoot Plantation, Hugill |
NY45520079 Browfoot, Hugill |
SD45329843 Brundriggs, Hugill |
SD43959885 Cock-o-The North, Ings |
SD46939874 Cragend, Hugill |
NY45460137 Croft Head, Hugill |
SD463998 Fellfoot, Hugill |
SD45129886 Gill Cottage, Hugill |
NY46110012 Goose Howe, Hugill |
SD4598 Gowan, River |
SD44169944 Grassgarth Farm, Grassgarth |
SD44169947 Grassgarth, Hugill |
NY43500286 grouse butts, Applethwaite Common |
SD45169974 Heights, Hugill |
SD44189949 High Grassgarth, Grassgarth |
NY43780054 High House, Hugill L |
SD43759958 High Mill, Hugill gone? |
SD45509869 High Reston Farm, Hugill |
SD44289882 Hill Farm, Ings L |
SD44589863 house, Ings |
SD45899928 Hugill Fell, Hugill |
SD45039960 Hugill Hall, Hugill |
SD44389857 Ings Hall, Ings |
SD44379905 Ings Mill, Hugill |
NY45350079 limekiln, Hugill |
SD45159928 Low House, Hugill |
SD45719860 Low Reston, Hugill |
NY44920213 Meadowplatts Plantation, Hugill |
NY44360141 Mickle Moss, Hugill |
SD45649870 Middle Reston, Hugill |
SD43509882 milestone, Hugill |
SD45039867 milestone, Hugill (2) gone |
NY46080137 Millrigg Knot, Hugill |
SD46629827 Newgate Mill, Staveley gone |
SD46599826 Newgate, Staveley suggested |
NY46460048 Old Man's Chair, Over Staveley |
NY4402 Park Beck |
NY459008 Pool Scar Trial, Hugill |
SD44659865 post box, Ings |
SD43229834 railway bridge, Hugill |
SD46709890 Ravenscar Plantation, Hugill |
SD45309900 Raw Ghyll, Hugill |
SD46589822 Rawes Mill, Staveley |
NY43780194 Red Crags, Hugill |
SD45769858 Reston Hall, Hugill L |
SD46249833 Reston Mill, Staveley |
SD46089872 Reston Scar, Hugill |
SD45619858 Reston, Hugill |
SD44539864 roadsign, Ings |
NY43350294 Rock Marked X, Windermere |
SD46719945 Scroggs Bridge, Hugill |
NY43730098 settlement, Hugill |
NY45480118 sheepfold, Ullthwaite |
SD46679949 smelter, Hugill gone |
SD46269950 Smeltmill Plantation, Hugill |
SD44169955 St Anne, Grassgarth gone |
SD44159958 St Ann's Farm, Grassgarth |
SD46739870 Sunnybank, Staveley |
NY45650119 Ullthwaite Barn, Hugill |
NY45590118 Ullthwaite Bridge, Hugill |
NY45570121 Ullthwaite Mill, Hugill |
NY45430136 Ullthwaite, Hugill |
SD44609859 village hall, Ings L |
SD44539865 Watermill Inn and Brewery, Ings |
SD43419788 Whasdike, Hugill L |
NY45910058 White Howe, Hugill suggested |
NY45430013 Williamson's Monument, Hugill L |
SD44749874 Woodside Cottage, Ings |
SD44609863 St Anne, Ings L |
SD4598 Fairbank Mill, Hugill gone |
SD44559864 saw mill, Ings |
SD44559862 Ings, Hugill |
Kendal and Windermere Railway |
NY4506 Kent, River |
SD44489907 seat, Ings |