Egremont |
county:- |
Cumbria |
old county:- |
Cumberland |
locality type:- |
parish |
1Km square:- |
NY0011 |
10Km square:- |
NX91 |
10Km square:- |
NY01 |
10Km square:- |
NX90 |
10Km square:- |
NY00 |
references:- |
OS 1974 Admin Areas
evidence:- |
census:- Census 1971
Population: 7253 (1971) |
places:- |
NY000102 Ashley Grove, Egremont |
NY012105 Beck Green, Egremont |
NY00051306 Bigrigg Moor, Egremont |
NY00141304 Bigrigg, Egremont |
NX99840949 Black Ling, Egremont |
NY0110 Blackbeck Brewery, Egremont |
NY01051060 Blue Bell, Egremont |
NY01101039 bridge, Egremont |
NY01521158 Briscoemill Bridge, Egremont |
NY01081083 Cat Inn, Egremont |
NY00250918 Catgill Hall, Egremont |
NY00420891 Catgill Summer House, Egremont |
NY01071088 Central, Egremont |
NY01111087 chapel, Egremont |
NY01281312 Cleator East Bridge, Cleator |
NY00841206 Clints Well, Egremont |
NY00831355 coal depot, Egremont |
NY01371089 Common Well, Egremont |
NY01081296 Croft End House, Egremont L |
NY00961285 Croft Pit, Egremont |
NY01041062 Egremont |
Egremont and Sellafield branch railway |
NY00871149 Egremont Cemetery, Egremont L |
NY01191087 Egremont Fire Station, Egremont |
NY01011086 Egremont Market Hall: Egremont |
NY01091103 Egremont Police Station, Egremont |
NY01041116 Egremont Station, Egremont |
NY01041074 Egremont: HSBC Bank L |
NY010107 Egremont: Main Street |
NY01041066 Egremont: Main Street, 45 L |
NY01031071 Egremont: Main Street, 54 to 56 L |
NY01051075 Egremont: Main Street, 57 L |
NY01061059 Egremont: Market Place, 9 |
NY01051087 Egremont: Market Street, 1 L not found |
NY01041064 Egremont: NatWest Bank |
NY01081045 Egremont: South Street, 21 |
NX9907 Ellergill Beck (3) |
NX98781103 Ellergill Bridge, St Bees |
NY00771459 engine shed, Moor Row gone |
NY00751463 engine shed, Moor Row (2) gone |
NY00421345 Fletcher Pit, Egremont |
NY017102 Florence Mine, Egremont |
NY01241296 footbridge, Cleator Moor |
NY00961191 Gillfoot Branch Junction, Egremont |
NY00321136 Gillfoot, Egremont |
NY00811347 Gutterby, Egremont |
NY00241415 High Farm, Moor Row |
NY01281109 High Mill, Egremont |
NY00511408 Hollins Farm, Moor Row |
NY01041056 Horn, Egremont |
NY00261118 How Bank, Egremont |
NX99801380 hydrant plate, Bigrigg |
NY01101091 hydrant plate, Egremont |
NY00351330 James's Pit, Egremont |
NY0019 Keekle, River |
NY01061068 Kings Arms, Egremont |
NY00901219 limekiln, Egremont |
NX99931441 location, Egremont |
NY00631428 Low Farm, Moor Row |
NY01101092 Lowes Court, Egremont L |
NX99531406 Lund Moor, Egremont |
NY01041060 market cross, Egremont gone |
NX98871046 Marlborough Hall, Egremont |
NY00411281 milestone, Egremont L |
NX99661414 milestone, Egremont (2) |
NY00101307 milestone, Egremont (3) |
NY00861130 milestone, Egremont (4) |
NY01111043 mill, Egremont |
NY01521002 mill, Egremont (2) suggested |
NY00861197 mine, Egremont |
NY00840940 Moadland Parks, Egremont once |
NY00491457 Moor Row Station, Moor Row |
NY00561433 Moor Row, Egremont |
NX9914 Needless Beck |
NX99641417 Needless Bridge, Egremont |
NY01381007 New House, Egremont |
NY010104 Old Bridge, Egremont |
NY01051077 Old Hall, Egremont L |
NY003107 Orgill, Egremont |
NX99491233 Pallaflat, Egremont |
NX99831322 Park House, Egremont gone |
NX99801308 Park House, Egremont (2) |
NX99641311 Parkhouse Farm, Egremont |
NX99491328 Parkhouse Gill, Egremont |
NY00510971 Picket How, Egremont |
NY00521057 police house, Egremont |
NY00181295 police station, Bigrigg |
NY00881325 railway bridge, Egremont |
NY00931213 railway bridge, Egremont (2) |
NX99861436 railway bridge, Egremont (3) |
NY00451456 railway bridge, Moor Row |
NX99030990 Raveley Tarn, Egremont |
NY010106 Red Lion Hotel, Egremont |
NX99811073 Ringingstone Quarry, Egremont |
NX995107 Ringlen Stones, Egremont |
NX99861428 Scalegill, Egremont |
NY01221068 school, Egremont |
NY00861044 school, Egremont (2) |
NY01061049 seat, Egremont |
NX99791406 Shaw, Egremont |
NY01061105 Ship Launch, Egremont |
NX99951221 Sike House, Egremont |
NY00271368 Sir John Pit, Egremont |
NX99580886 Snellings, Egremont |
NX999126 Southam, Egremont |
NX99621359 Springfield Farm, Egremont |
NX99681354 Springfield, Egremont |
NX989120 St Bees Stone, St Bees gone |
NX99781381 St Michael and St John, Bigrigg L |
NY01501004 St Thomas Cross, Egremont |
NY008124 Steelbarrow Quarries, Egremont |
NX99991336 Summer Hill, Bigrigg |
NY00011330 Summerhill Terrace, Bigrigg |
NY01291030 telephone box, Egremont L gone |
NY00781153 toll gate, Egremont L |
NY01271034 toll gate, Egremont (2) L |
NY01061087 Town Hall, Egremont L |
NY00111455 Victoria Villa, Egremont |
NY00041315 village hall, Bigrigg |
NY01041060 war memorial, Egremont L |
NY00461424 war memorial, Moor Row |
NX99011125 Watson Hill, Egremont |
NY01321312 weighing machine, Cleator |
NY00181302 West View, Bigrigg |
NX99801106 Whangs Quarry, Egremont |
NX99411153 Whangs, Egremont |
NY01021057 Wheatsheaf, Egremont |
NY01441029 Woodbank Mansion, Egremont |
NY00891291 Woodend Farm, Woodend |
NY01111266 Woodend Mill, Cleator |
NY00991295 Woodend Station, Egremont |
NY00891279 Woodend, Egremont |
NY00891285 fingerpost, Egremont |
NY00931295 fingerpost, Egremont (2) |
NY01071267 bridge, Woodend |
NY01201070 pinfold, Egremont |
NY00981048 Egremont Castle, Egremont L |
NY0110 church, Egremont |
NY00911051 drinking fountain, Egremont L |
NY0515 Ehen, River |
NY01091056 St Mary, Egremont L |
NY01231304 Jockey Bridge, Cleator Moor |
NY01871012 Florence Mine, Egremont - Gates and Railings |
NX9813 Linethwaite Beck |
NY00821342 Gutterby Lane, Egremont |
Whitehaven, Cleator and Egremont Railway |