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Brougham parish
county:-   Cumbria
old county:-   Westmorland
locality type:-   parish
1Km square:-   NY5728
10Km square:-   NY53
10Km square:-   NY52
10Km square:-   NY62
references:-   OS 1974 Admin Areas

evidence:-   hearth tax returns:- Hearth Tax 1675
placename:-  Browham
source data:-   Records, hearth tax survey returns, Westmorland, 1674/75.

evidence:-   hearth tax returns:- Hearth Tax 1670
placename:-  Broham
source data:-   Records, hearth tax returns, exchequer duplicates, Westmorland, 1670.

evidence:-   census:- Census 1971
Population: 266 (1971)

place:-   Brougham Constablewick
place:-   Cliburn Constablewick (a detached part of)

NY59392824 Ash Hill Cottages, Brougham 
NY59862794 Ash Hill, Brougham 
NY55942991 bench mark, Brougham 
NY54332722 boundary stone, Brougham/Clifton L
NY52772838 bridge, Brougham L
NY53952913 Brougham Bridge, Brougham 
NY53722900 Brougham Castle, Brougham 
NY53042862 Brougham Hall Farm, Brougham 
NY54712725 Brougham Moor, Brougham 
NY56222935 caravan, Brougham 
NY53912897 Castle Farm, Brougham 
NY57732564 Cliburn Moss, Cliburn 
NY58582604 Cliburn Station, Brougham 
NY54602895 Countess Pillar, Brougham L
NY57922705 Dog Holes, Brougham 
NY60392818 Eden Bridge, Temple Sowerby 
 Eden Valley Railway 
NY54362836 Fremington, Brougham L
NY56162953 gate, Brougham 
NY54152766 Green Lane, Brougham 
NY57762882 Hart Horn Tree, Brougham 
NY55332798 Haversheaf Hall, Brougham 
NY57402925 High Moss, Brougham 
NY574288 Highbarn Cottage, Brougham 
NY55002721 Highground, Brougham 
NY56952995 Hornby Hall, Brougham L
NY602259 Julian Bower Brick and Tile Works, Brougham 
NY60252628 Julian Bower, Brougham 
NY56302629 Leacet Hill stone circle, Brougham 
NY56942647 Leacet Hill, Brougham 
NY56502640 Leacet Plantation, Brougham 
NY5527 Light Water (2) 
NY54912897 Lightwater Bridge, Brougham 
NY54992895 Lightwater Cottage, Brougham 
NY58862897 Low Woodside, Brougham L
NY55012898 milestone, Brougham 
NY56572890 milestone, Brougham (2) L
NY58212878 milestone, Brougham (3) 
NY59792853 milestone, Brougham (4) 
NY54822900 milestone, Brougham (5) perhaps once
NY53162848 milestone, Brougham (6) perhaps once
NY59452863 milestone, Brougham (7) perhaps once
NY57852881 milestone, Brougham (8) perhaps once
NY56372889 milestone, Brougham (9) perhaps once
NY54292849 Moor Lane, Brougham 
NY546280 Moorhouses, Brougham L
NY59412828 Oglebird Cottages, Brougham 
NY60092726 Oglebird Plantation, Brougham 
NY60092713 Oglebird Scar, Brougham 
NY53402825 Pembroke House, Brougham L
NY53632778 Poplars, Brougham 
NY52882835 post box, Brougham 
NY57292761 Quarrystone Bank, Brougham 
NY57612761 Rabbit Gill, Brougham 
NY53362794 Rectory Farm, Brougham 
NY54312911 roman camp, Brougham 
NY53832889 roman fort, Brougham 
NY5328 roman milestone, Brougham 
NY58603051 Rookery Hill, Brougham 
NY58582653 Salter Hill, Brougham 
NY58582658 Salter Wood, Brougham 
NY57752749 saw mill, Brougham 
NY57752760 Sawmill Cottages, Brougham 
NY56902987 sheepfold, Brougham 
NY59232688 Slate Hill, Brougham 
NY57232611 South Whinfell, Brougham 
NY52762840 St Wilfrid, Brougham L
NY59302806 Stank Lane, Brougham 
NY60842586 stepping stones, Brougham 
NY53842880 stone wall, Brougham 
NY5828 Swine Gill 
NY58502718 Three Brothers Barn, Brougham 
NY58442715 Three Brothers Oaks, Brougham 
NY60182828 toll gate, Brougham gone
NY57723048 Ud Ford, Langwathby 
NY57933051 Udford House, Brougham 
NY58463021 Udford Wood, Brougham 
NY55932995 war memorial, Brougham 
NY57372715 Whinfell Forest, Brougham 
NY58892859 Whinfell House, Brougham 
NY55862871 Whinfell Park, Brougham 
NY5528 White Hart Tree, Brougham 
NY592287 Winderwath Farm, Brougham 
NY59802937 Winderwath, Brougham L
NY58712944 Woodside Cottages, Brougham 
NY58252997 Woodside Low Moss, Brougham 
NY58052922 Woodside Moor, Brougham 
NY57442922 Woodside Tarn, Brougham 
NY58502920 Woodside, Brougham 
NY575295 Hornby Hall Airfield, Brougham gone
NY52782845 icehouse, Brougham Hall suggested
NY52812836 Brougham Hall, Brougham L
NY4624 Eamont, River 
NY53272847 Brougham 
NY56032910 Barrackbank Wood, Brougham 
NY55932995 St Ninian, Brougham L
NY53832910 Brougham Castle Bridge, Brougham L
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