button to main menu   Jefferys 1770 SD59NW
Note: click on map edges for adjacent squares
Jefferys 1770
(5Km square roughly corresponding to Jefferys 1770 SD59NW, plus overlaps, North at the top; the original map is printed with North at the top)

item:-  National Library of Scotland : EME.s.47
image:-  © National Library of Scotland
gazetteer links

places may or may not be labelled on the map

button -- Abbey Well -- "Abby Well"
button -- Beetham Bank -- "Betham Bank"
button -- Borwens -- "Barrons"
button -- Bouthwaite -- "Boothwaite"
button -- Bowbank -- "Cow Bank"
button -- Bowston Bridge
button -- Brackenrigg -- "Bracken Rigg"
button -- Burneside Bridge (?)
button -- bridge, Skelsmergh
button -- bridge, Skelsmergh
button -- Burneside Hall -- "Hall"
button -- Burneside Papermill (?)
button -- Burneside -- "Burniside"
button -- Carling Steps -- "Garling Steps"
button -- Crag House -- "Crag H"
button -- Crake Hall -- "Greyca"
button -- Dodding Green -- "Dodding Green"
button -- East Above Park -- "Low Boon Park"
button -- Edge Bank -- "Tarn H."
button -- Garnett Bridge -- "Garnet B."
button -- Garnett Bridge -- "Garnet B."
button -- Garnett Folds -- "Garnet Fould"
button -- Garnett House -- "Garnet H"
button -- Garth Row -- "Garthraw"
button -- Gilpin Bank -- "Gilpin Bank"
button -- Gilthwaiterigg Beck
button -- Gilthwaiterigg -- "Scalthwaiterig Hall"
button -- Goodham Scales -- "Goodham Skales"
button -- Gurnal Bridge
button -- Height of Patton -- "Height of Patton"
button -- High Above Park -- "High Boon Park"
button -- High Thorn -- "High Thorn"
button -- High Underbrow -- "Under Brow"
button -- Hill Farm -- "Hill"
button -- Hill Fold -- "Hill"
button -- Hipshow Farm -- "Hips How"
button -- Holme Lyon -- "Holm Lion"
button -- Kent, River -- "Kent R." -- "Kent R." -- "KENT RIVER"
button -- Ladyford -- "Lady Ford F."
button -- Laithwaite Farm -- "Laythwaite"
button -- Laneside -- "Lane Side"
button -- Laverock Bridge
button -- Littlemire -- "Little Mire"
button -- Low Underbrow -- "Under Brow"
button -- Lowgroves -- "Low Groves"
button -- milestone, Scalthwaiterigg -- "3"
button -- milestone, Skelsmergh -- "3"
button -- milestone, Skelsmergh -- "2"
button -- milestone, Skelsmergh -- "4"
button -- Mill Cottage
button -- Gilthwaiterigg Mill (?) -- "Mill"
button -- Meal Bank Mills (?)
button -- Must Hill -- "Musk Hill"
button -- New House -- "New H."
button -- Oakbank -- "Oak Bank"
button -- Otter Bank -- "Hutter Bank"
button -- Patton Hall Farm -- "Paton Hall"
button -- Potter Fell -- "POTTER FELL / Potter Fell Side"
button -- Redman's Tenement -- "Redmond Tenement"
button -- Kendal to Shap
button -- Kendal to Tebay
button -- Burneside road
button -- Mealbank Road (etc)
button -- Scalthwaiterigg -- "Scalthwaiterigg"
button -- Selside Hall -- "Sellside Hall"
button -- Selside -- "Selside"
button -- Skelsmergh Hall Farm -- "Skelsmergh Hall"
button -- Skelsmergh Tarn
button -- Skelsmergh -- "Skelsmergh"
button -- South Gateside -- "Gate Side"
button -- Sprint Bridge
button -- Sprint, River
button -- St Oswald's Church
button -- St Thomas's Church
button -- Steel Croft -- "Steelcroft"
button -- Stocks Mill -- "Paper Mill"
button -- Stocks -- "Stocks"
button -- Strickland Roger -- "Strickland Roger"
button -- Tarn Bank -- "Tarn Bank"
button -- Tenement Farm -- "Houseman Tenement"
button -- Thornyslack Farm -- "Thorney Slack"
button -- Watchgate -- "Watch Yate"
button -- Whitwell Hall -- "Whitwell Hall"

civil parishes

The area roughly includes parts of parishes:-

    Strickland Roger
    Strickland Ketel
    Whitwell and Selside

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