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Page 37:-

* Bridges, Fountains, Mountains, Vallies,
Huts, Cells, Hillocks, Highways, Shallows,
Paths, Towns, Villages, and Trenches,
Chaste, choice, chary, merry Wenches.
Truth I'll tell thee, nothing surer,
Richer am not, nor yet poorer;
Gladder, madder, nor more pleasing,
Blither, brisker, more in Season;
Better, worser, thinner, thicker,
Neither healthier nor sicker.
For the World, I so far prize it,
But for Liquor I'd despise it;
Thousand Deaths I'd rather die too,
Than hold Ale mine Enemy too:
"Sober, Lamb-like do I wander,
"Drunk, I'm stout as Alexander.
When my Head feels its Mæander,
I am stronger than Lysander;
Th'Isle of Ree, I little fear it,
Without Wound to win and wear it:
But lest tedious I express me,
To my Progress I'll address me.
*   England, amongst all Nations, is most full of Hills, Wells, Bridges, Churches, Women, Wool.
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