{series- Lakes Guides} {title- Gentleman's Magazine, review of volumes} {author- Norgate, Martin & MN: 2.8.2012} {version- last edit: 25.5.2015} {abstract- Notes about the arrangements of volumes of the Gentleman's Magazine, published London, 1731 to 1922.} {header- Volumes of the Gentleman's Magazine, 1731 to 1907} {text- Do not be misled by the apparent confidence of these notes, they are superficial. I am not a bibliographer, and am not providing a properly detailed analysis of how this long run of magazines was organized by its various publishers. My main interest is to find out how volumes were numbered and paginated, and to see what indexing was provided at different periods, in order to be able to provide reliable references to articles within. The answer to that problem is that you cannot, unless you read through the magazines, every issue, page by page.} {text- Publication effectively ended in 1907, but a four page leaflet was produced up to 1922, keeping the title of the magazine in print.} {header- Review of Title Pages} {text- A simple review of title pages provides a handy way of looking at the arrangements of the series. The examples are chosen when there is a change of imprint or some other feature of the magazine.} {title- Gents Mag 1731 title page} {header- Title page} {text- The first issue of the Gentleman's Magazine is January 1731. The year's magazines were bound together, with a title page for the volume, the example studied has two volume title pages.} {image = G731Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine: / OR, TRADER'S / Monthly Intelligencer. / VOLUME the FIRST, for the YEAR 1731. / CONTAINING / [contents] / Together with / [A]n ALPHABETICAL INDEX of the NAMES / mentioned throughout the WHOLE, for the easier finding / any Occurrence, Death, Marriage, Birth, Promotion, Accident, Adventure, / Date, or other Circumstance relating to them. / Collected chiefly from the Public Papers, by SYLVANUS URBAN. / [E] PLURIBUS [device, hand of flowers] UNUM. {marginal = imprint} LONDON: / Printed, and Sold at St John's Gate, by F. Jefferies in Ludgate- / street, and most Booksellers in Town and Country. / MDCCXXXII. {text- The volume contents can be read as a statement of aims for the contents of the new magazine.} {text- the Trader's part of the title is dropped almost immediately.} {text- The volume title page above for 1731 was set in 1732. The second, as found in the binding seen, title page:-} {image = G731Tit2.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine: / OR Monthly Intelligencer. / For the YEAR 1731. / CONTAINING / [contents] / With proper INDEXES. / By SYLVANUS URBANE, Gent. / VOL. I. / Prodesse & delectare. [device] E Pluribus Unum. {marginal = imprint} LONDON: / Printed, and sold at St John's Gate, by F. Jefferies in Ludgate- / street, and most Booksellers. {text- The proprietor and editor is:-} Sylvanus Urban {text- a pseudonym for Edward Cave, printer and publisher.} {text- This version of the title page has the twin mottoes and printer's device which were used by the magazine for many years after. The motto:-} E PLURIBUS UNUM {text- 'One out of many' became more familiar from 1782 as the motto in the arms of the United States.} {text- Volume numbering and pagination are straightforward: one year one volume, pages from 1 onwards. The front matter of title page and prefaces, which come at the end of the year, are not counted, nor are the end matter of indexes and list of plates. From clues in other issues it might be (unsafely) assumed that the title page is p.i and so on, in a usual manner. (1733 has 2 sheets, 4 pages, of front matter, and the fourth is numbered '(iv)'.)} {header- Introduction} {text- The reverse of the volume title page has an introduction to the new magazine:-} {image = G731pr02.jpg} {header- Month title page} {text- The monthly title page, first issue January 1731} {image = G731Tit3.jpg} {marginal = title} The Gentleman's Magazine: ... / St JOHN'S GATE. / [illustration, St John's Gate] / Or, MONTHLY INTELLIGENCER. / For JANUARY, 1731. / CONTAINING, / ... / By SYLVANUS URBAN, Gent. / The FIFTH EDITION. {text- How is this the 5th edition?} {marginal = imprint} LONDON: Printed for the AUTHOR, and sold at St John's Gate: By F. Jefferies, in Ludgate-street; all other Booksellers; and by Persons who serve Gentlemen with the News-papers: Of whom may be had Compleat Sets, or any single Number. A few are printed on ROYAL PAPER, large Margin, for the CURIOUS. {text- Notice the list of newspapers either side of the illustration of St John's Gate, where Edward Cave lived and worked.} {header- Contents} {text- The month title page has a brief list of contents, describing the outline plan of the magazine. The reverse of the month title page, page 2, has a more detailed contents, which provides a typical specimen of what the magazine included:-} {image = G7310002.jpg} {header- Indexing} {text- The volume has one index, to names} {image = G731Ndx.jpg} {text- As advertised on the title page.} {title- Gents Mag 1732 title page} {header- Title page} {image = G732Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine, / OR, / MONTHLY INTELLIGENCER, / For the YEAR 1732. / CONTAINING / [contents] / WITH / A TABLE OF CONTENTS to each Month. / ALSO / ALPHABETICAL INDEXES of the NAMES of / Persons mention'd and Things treated throughout the Whole. / VOL. II. / Collected chiefly from the Public Papers by SILVANUS URBAN. / Prodesse & delectare. [device, hand of flowers] E Pluribus Unum. {marginal = imprint} LONDON, Printed and Sold at ST JOHN'S GATE; by F. JEFFERIES in Ludgate-street, and by most Booksellers in Town and Country. {text- Debates in Parliament are mentioned in the contents from this issue; this became a problem later.} {header- Month title page} {image = G7320001.jpg} {marginal = imprint} LONDON: Printed by HENRY and CAVE, at St JOHN'S GATE. {text- How is this the 5th edition, again?} {text- The reverse of the month title page has a proper list of contents.} {header- Monthly Intelligencer} {text- The Monthly intelligencer is treated as a separate section of the magazine:-} {image = G7320583.jpg} {text- This arrangement is continued when it becomes the Historical Chronicle, but eventually the section is just another regular part of the magazine without a special header.} {header- Indexing} {text- Indexing is improved: an index subjects later expanded, in its title at least, to an index on debates and proceedings in Parliament, essays, dissertations, and historical 'passages'; and an index to person names. Later there were more indexes; see 1735 for examples of the pattern that continued for many decades.} {image = G732Ndx1.jpg} {image = G732Ndx2.jpg} {header- Register of Books} {text- A list of books published is a regular monthly part of the magazine, for example the first and last of four pages in May:-} {image = G732Bk1.jpg} {image = G732Bk2.jpg} {text- Notice the comments about the rival London Magazine, with its saucy alternative title, on the last page.} {text- December has two pages, with directions to the binder at the foot which explain some of the odd pagination found in the monthly issues.} {image = G732Bk3.jpg} {image = G732Bk4.jpg} {text- In time the register of books becomes a regular section of the monthly magazine, not to be removed to the end, and there is an index of books for the volume.} {header- Pagination} {text- The pagination of this volume is distinctly odd. A close look demonstrates some of the publisher's evolving thoughts on the plan of the magazine, and also demonstrates how the binder can get it all wrong when assembling the 12 parts and front and end matter into a single volume. The pages listed below are in the order found in the example of this volume at the Armitt Library; other examples will not have the same mistakes by the binder, or by a later re-binder. Some pages might have been lost, for instance, why are there no Register of Books pp.1-6?} {subhead- year's volume Volume title page, with a poem on the reverse } {subhead- January Month title page = p.549; contents on reverse. Text pp.551-590; Monthly Intelligencer p.583 onwards Notice that p.569 is actually headed '56', just a typesetter's error. No list/register of books. } {subhead- February Month title page = p.591; contents on reverse. Text pp.593-638; Monthly Intelligencer p.626 onwards. Lists of books published pp.635-636 and 638. } {subhead- March Month title page not numbered; contents on reverse. Text pp.639-684; Monthly Intelligencer p.673 onwards. List of books published pp.683-684. } {subhead- April Month title page not numbered; NO contents on reverse. Text pp.685-730; Monthly Intelligencer p.719 onwards; p.730 is contents. List of books published p.729. } {subhead- May Month title page not numbered; contents on reverse. Text pp.779-780; list of books on p.780 Text pp.731-778; Monthly Intelligencer p.771 onwards. Register of Books for May, pp.7-10. } {subhead- June Month title page not numbered; contents on reverse. Text pp.813-814. Text pp.781-812, 815-830; Monthly Intelligencer p.822 onwards. Register of Books, pp.13-14, 11-12. } {subhead- July Month title page not numbered; contents on reverse. Text pp.831-880; Monthly Intelligencer p.873 onwards. Register of Books pp.15-18. } {subhead- August Month title page not numbered; contents on reverse. Text pp.881-882, 887-912, 883-886, 913-934; Monthly Intelligencer p.925 onwards. No Register of Books. } {subhead- September Month title page not numbered; contents on reverse. Text pp.935-984; Monthly Intelligencer p.975 onwards. Register of Books for August and September, pp.19-22. } {subhead- October Month title page not numbered; contents on reverse. Text pp.985-1034; Monthly Intelligencer p.1028 onwards. Register of Books pp.23-26. } {subhead- November Month title page not numbered; contents on reverse. Text pp.1035-1086; Monthly Intelligencer p.1078 onwards. Register of Books pp.27-28. } {subhead- December Month title page not numbered; contents on reverse. Text pp.1088-1127; Monthly Intelligencer p.1123 onwards. } {subhead- indexes No page numbers, could be pp.1128-1134? Register of Books for December pp.29-30 (No list of plates.) } {text- Why this volume has pp.549-1127 rather than starting at 1, is not explained. The previous year's volume has pp.1-684, so the numbering is not a continuation from last year.} {title- Gents Mag 1735 title page} {header- Title page} {text- Volume 5 has a different imprint.} {image = G735Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine: / OR, / Monthly Intelligencer. / VOLUME V. / For the YEAR MDCCXXXV. / CONTAINING, / [contents] / By SYLVANUS URBAN. Gent. / Prodesse & delectare. [device, hand of flowers] E Pluribus Unum. {marginal = imprint} LONDON: / Printed by EDWARD CAVE, at St JOHN'S GATE. {header- Indexing} {text- The volume has a series of indexes at the end: an index to the essays, news articles, parliamentary debates, etc; an index to poetry; an index to names for births, marriages, deaths, promotions and bankruptcies; and an index to book reviews. And notice the advice to use the monthly contents.} {image = G735Ndx.jpg} {image = G735Ndx2.jpg} {image = G735Ndx3.jpg} {image = G735Ndx4.jpg} {text- This pattern of indexing continues for many volumes, though the indexes might appear in a different order.} {title- Gents Mag 1736 title page} {header- Title page} {text- The alternative title is changed.} {image = G736Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine: / AND / Historical Chronicle. / VOLUME VI. / For the YEAR MDCCXXXVI. / CONTAINING, / [contents] / By SYLVANUS URBAN. Gent. / Prodesse & delectare. [device, hand of flowers] E Pluribus Unum. {marginal = imprint} LONDON: / Printed by EDWARD CAVE, at ST JOHN'S GATE. {text- The Historical Chronicle has a header page as did its predecessor the Monthly Intelligencer. The month title page is included in the pagination. The register of books is also included in the normal pagination, not to be removed to the end.} {header- Frontispiece} {text- Some volumes have a frontispiece, for example:-} {image = G736Fpc.jpg} A Map of the Old World, as it appeared before God destroy'd it with the Waters of the Flood. {text- Providing a different view on plate tectonics!} {text- NB: In general, frontispieces have not been studied in this exercise.} {header- Indexing} {text- The indexes for this volume are missing in the example at the Armitt Library. Their provision is noticed in the footer to p.752:-} {image = G7360752.jpg} {text- The example volume has the frontispiece, so it appears the supplement and indexes have been lost accidentally, perhaps damaged or lost before rebinding.} {title- Gents Mag 1740 title page} {header- Title page} {image = G740Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine: / AND / Historical Chronicle. / VOLUME X. / For the YEAR M.DCC.XL. / PRODESSE & DELECTARE [device, hand of flowers] E PLURIBUS UNUM. / By SYLVANUS URBAN, Gent. {marginal = imprint} LONDON: / Printed by EDW. CAVE, at ST JOHN'S GATE. {title- Gents Mag 1742 title page} {header- Title page} {text- The editor is now Edward Cave junior.} {image = G742Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine, / AND / Historical Chronicle. / VOLUME XII. / For the YEAR M.DCC.XLII. / PRODESSE & DELECTARE [device, hand of flowers] E PLURIBUS UNUM. / By SYLVANUS URBAN, Gent. {marginal = imprint} LONDON: / Printed by EDW. CAVE, jun. at ST JOHN'S GATE. {header- Indexing} {text- Edward Cave began reporting the proceedings in Parliament in January 1732. In 1738 Parliament objected to this as a breech of privilege when he published the answer of George II to an address before it had been reported from the chair. The reporting didn't stop, but continued the feature as 'Debates in the Senate of Lilliput' and used pseudonyms for the politicians on the pattern of anagrams. Dr Samuel Johnson wrote many of the reports. A guide to the pseudonyms appeared on p.699:-} {image = G7420699.jpg} A Specimen of ANAGRAMMATA REDIVIA: Or, An Analysis of the Names of the HURGOES, CLINABS, &c. of LILLIPUT. {title- Gents Mag 1748 title page} {header- Title page} {text- Edward Cave jnr has become Edward Cave again.} {image = G748Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine, / AND / Historical Chronicle. / VOLUME XVIII. / For the YEAR M.DCC.XLVIII. / PRODESSE & DELECTARE [device, hand of flowers] E PLURIBUS UNUM. / By SYLVANUS URBAN, Gent. {marginal = imprint} LONDON: / Printed by EDW. CAVE, at ST JOHN'S GATE. {header- List of plates} {text- Many volumes of the magazine have a list of plates, sometimes near the front, sometimes at the end or between two of the indexes. The list is sometimes quite simple, in the example below it is more elaborate; in some issues the list is in alphabetical order, acting as an index to the illustrations.} {image = G748Pr2.jpg} {text- This list is explicitly 'Directions to the Binder'; and notice the mention of the volume title page and preface, which were supplied along with the supplement - perhaps the excuse for having a supplement.} {title- Gents Mag 1754 title page} {header- Title page} {text- Change of publisher, though the pseudonym is retained. Edward Cave died 1754.} {image = G754Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine, / AND / Historical Chronicle. / VOLUME XXIV. / For the YEAR M.DCC.LIV. / PRODESSE & DELECTARE [device, hand of flowers] E PLURIBUS UNUM. / By SYLVANUS URBAN, Gent. {marginal = imprint} LONDON: / Printed for D. HENRY, and R. CAVE, at St JOHN'S GATE. {header- Edward Cave} {text- Edward Cave was born in Rugby, son of a cobbler, 1691. He served an apprenticship with a printer in London, and after was a printer and journalist in Norwich, Norfolk. He married and settled in London, and amongst other interests, created and published the Gentleman's Magazine from 1731 to his death, 1754.} {title- Gents Mag 1761 title page} {header- Title page} {text- Change of publisher.} {image = G761Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine, / AND / Historical Chronicle. / VOLUME XXXI. / For the YEAR M.DCC.LXI. / PRODESSE & DELECTARE [device, hand of flowers] E PLURIBUS UNUM. / By SYLVANUS URBAN, Gent. {marginal = imprint} LONDON: / Printed for D. HENRY at St JOHN'S GATE. {title- Gents Mag 1763 title page} {header- Title page} {text- Change of publisher, reinstating R Cave.} {image = G763Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine, / AND / Historical Chronicle. / VOLUME XXXIII. / For the YEAR M.DCC.LXIII. / PRODESSE & DELECTARE [device, hand of flowers] E PLURIBUS UNUM. / By SYLVANUS URBAN, Gent. {marginal = imprint} LONDON: / Printed for D. HENRY and R. CAVE, at ST JOHN'S GATE. {header- Indexing} {text- For this volume, and a number of succeeding volumes, the index to essays etc was split in two; an index to essays etc, and an index to occurences. It presumably became increasingly hard to distinguish the categories and the separate concept was abandonned. In this experiment and a trial of more precise name indexing about 1767, it can be seen that the editor/s were actively exploring how indexing might be useful to the reader.} {image = G763Ndx.jpg} {title- Gents Mag 1767 title page} {header- Title page} {text- Change of publisher, now involving F Newbery.} {image = G767Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine, / AND / Historical Chronicle. / VOLUME XXXVII. / For the YEAR M.DCC.LXVII. / PRODESSE & DELECTARE [device, hand of flowers] E PLURIBUS UNUM. / By SYLVANUS URBAN, Gent. {marginal = imprint} LONDON: / Printed at St. John's Gate, for D. HENRY; and sold by F. NEWBERY, / the Corner of St. Paul's Church Yard Ludgate Street. {text- This combination of interests continues to 1781.} {header- Indexing} {text- In this volume the index for names is broken into separate parts: for births; marriages; deaths; war office, presumably for promotions etc, as mentioned in earlier name index headers; and for bankrupts. The idea is abandonned later.} {title- Gents Mag 1778 title page} {header- Title page} {text- New imprint.} {image = G778Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine, / AND / Historical Chronicle. / VOLUME XLVIIII. / For the YEAR MDCCLXXVIII. / PRODESSE & DELECTARE [device, hand of flowers] E PLURIBUS UNUM. / By SYLVANUS URBAN, Gent. {marginal = imprint} LONDON: / Printed by J. NICHOLS, for D. HENRY, late of St. John's Gate; / and sold by E. NEWBERY, the Corner of St. Pauls' Church-Yard, / Ludgate-Street. {header- Preface} {text- Each volume has a short preface after the title page. There was often a eulogy to Sylvanus Urban 'on completing the [ ]th volume' of the magazine. This volume's preface has a review of the year's contents.} {image = G778Pr2.jpg} {image = G778Pr3.jpg} {image = G778Pr4.jpg} {title- Gents Mag 1781 title page} {header- Title page} {text- New imprint.} {image = G781Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine, / AND / Historical Chronicle. / VOLUME LI. / For the YEAR MDCCLXXXI. / PRODESSE & DELECTARE [device, hand of flowers] E PLURIBUS UNUM. / By SYLVANUS URBAN, Gent. {marginal = imprint} LONDON: / Printed by J. NICHOLS, for D. HENRY, late of St. John's Gate; / and sold by E. NEWBERY, the Corner of St. Pauls' Church-Yard, / Ludgate-Street. {title- Gents Mag 1784 title page} {header- Title page} {text- Slightly different imprint.} {text- From this year the mothly magazines are bound as 1 volume in 2 parts for each year, each with a title page for the volume/part. Each part is for six months; part 1 January to June, part 2 July to December; as would be expected. At another period the arrangement was, for a short while, December-May, June-November. The pagination for the year still runs continuously through the whole year. The volume numbering and page numbering arrangements change later.} {image = G784Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine: / AND / Historical Chronicle. / VOLUME LIV. / For the YEAR MDCCLXXXIV. / PART THE FIRST. / PRODESSE & DELECTARE [device, hand of flowers] E PLURIBUS UNUM. / By SYLVANUS URBAN, Gent. {marginal = imprint} LONDON: / Printed by JOHN NICHOLS, for D. HENRY, late of St. John's Gate; / and sold by E. NEWBERY, the Corner of St. Pauls' Church-Yard, / Ludgate-Street. 1784. {image = G784Tit2.jpg} {header- Month title page} {image = G7840001.jpg} {marginal = imprint} LONDON, Printed by JOHN NICHOLS, for D. HENRY, late of ST. JOHN'S GATE. {header- Preface, and list of plates} {text- The expansion of the magazine is commented in the year's preface:-} {image = G784Pr3.jpg} {image = G784Pr4.jpg} {text- And this volume, the list of plates is at the beginning.} {text- NB: In general, prefaces are not studied in this exercise.} {header- Indexing} {text- The index header includes advice to use the contents on the month title page if necessary. Note that indexing is done separately for each part.} {image = G784Ndx.jpg} {title- Gents Mag 1785 title page} {header- Title page} {text- New imprint.} {image = G785Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine: / AND / Historical Chronicle. / VOLUME LV. / For the YEAR MDCCLXXXV. / PART THE FIRST. / PRODESSE & DELECTARE [device, hand of flowers] E PLURIBUS UNUM. / By SYLVANUS URBAN, Gent. {marginal = imprint} LONDON: / Printed by JOHN NICHOLS, for DAVID HENRY, late of St. John's Gate; / and sold by ELIZ. NEWBERY, the Corner of St. Paul's Church- / Yard, Ludgate-Street. 1785. {title- Gents Mag 1786 title page} {header- Title page} {text- Mottoes, but no printer's device; new imprint.} {image = G786Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine: / AND / Historical Chronicle. {marginal = imprint} LONDON: / Printed by JOHN NICHOLS, for DAVID HENRY, late of St. John's / Gate; and sold by ELIZ. NEWBERY, the Corner of St. / Paul's Church - Yard, Ludgate - Street. 1785. {title- Gents Mag 1790 title page} {header- Title page} {text- Slightly different imprint; printer's device, but no mottoes.} {image = G790Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine: / AND / Historical Chronicle. / For the YEAR MDCCXC. / VOLUME LX. / PART THE FIRST. / [device, hand of flowers] / By SYLVANUS URBAN, Gent. LONDON, Printed by JOHN NICHOLS, / at Cicero's Head, Red Lion Passage, Fleet-Street; / for DAVID HENRY, late of St. John's Gate. / And sold by ELIZ. NEWBERY, the Corner of St. Paul's / Church Yard, Ludgate-Street. 1790. {title- Gents Mag 1792 title page} {header- Title page} {text- Slightly different imprint.} {image = G792Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine: / AND / Historical Chronicle. / For the YEAR MDCCXCII. / VOLUME LXII. / PART THE FIRST. / [device, hand of flowers] / By SYLVANUS URBAN, Gent. {marginal = imprint} LONDON, Printed by JOHN NICHOLS, / at Cicero's Head, Red Lion Passage, Fleet-Street; / And sold by ELIZ. NEWBERY, the Corner of St. Paul's / Church Yard, Ludgate-Street. 1792. {title- Gents Mag 1795 title page} {header- Title page} {text- A correspondence address is added to the imprint.} {image = G795Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine: / AND / Historical Chronicle. / For the YEAR MDCXCV. / VOLUME LXV. / PART THE FIRST. / [device, hand of flowers] / By SYLVANUS URBAN, Gent. {marginal = imprint} LONDON, Printed by JOHN NICHOLS, / at Cicero's Head, Red Lion Passage, Fleet-Street; / where LETTERS are particularly requested to be sent, POST PAID. / And sold by ELIZ. NEWBERY, the Corner of St. Paul's / Church Yard, Ludgate-Street. 1795. {text- Notice the exhortation to prepay the postage, this is before the present day system of postage stamps paid by the sender. In 1795 payment for carrying a letter was usually arranged between the carrier and the person receiving the letter; you had to pay for a letter you then discovered you did not want! (Hmm: shades of junk mail and internet spam!)} {title- Gents Mag 1797 title page} {header- Title page} {text- Slight change of imprint. The mottoes are back, the printer's device gone again.} {image = G797Tit2.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine: / AND / Historical Chronicle. / For the YEAR MDCCXCVII. / VOLUME LXVII. / PART THE SECOND. / PRODESSE & DELECTARE / E PLURIBUS UNUM. / By SYLVANUS URBAN, Gent. {marginal = imprint} LONDON, Printed by JOHN NICHOLS, / at Cicero's Head, Red Lion Passage, Fleet-Street; / where LETTERS are particularly requested to be sent, POST PAID. / And sold by ELIZABETH NEWBERY, / the Corner of St. Paul's Church Yard, Ludgate-Street. 1797. {title- Gents Mag 1799 title page} {header- Title page} {text- Both mottoes and printer's device are back again.} {image = G799Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine: / AND / Historical Chronicle. / For the YEAR MDCXCIX. / VOLUME LXIX. / PART THE FIRST. / PRODESSE & DELECTARE [device, hand of flowers] E PLURIBUS UNUM. / By SYLVANUS URBAN, Gent. {marginal = imprint} LONDON, Printed by JOHN NICHOLS, / at Cicero's Head, Red Lion Passage, Fleet-Street; / where LETTERS are particularly requested to be sent, POST PAID. / And sold by ELIZABETH NEWBERY, / the Corner of St. Paul's Church Yard, Ludgate-Street. 1799. {title- Gents Mag 1800 title page} {header- Title page} {text- Change of imprint.} {image = G800Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine: / AND / Historical Chronicle. / For the YEAR MDCCC. / VOLUME LXX. / PART THE FIRST. / PRODESSE & DELECTARE [device, hand of flowers] E PLURIBUS UNUM. / By SYLVANUS URBAN, Gent. {marginal = imprint} LONDON, Printed by NICHOLS and SON, / at Cicero's Head, Red Lion Passage, Fleet-Street; / where LETTERS are particularly requested to be sent, POST PAID. / And sold by ELIZABETH NEWBERY, / the Corner of St. Paul's Church Yard, Ludgate-Street. 1800. {text- Be wary of the page numbering in part 2. Two of the prefatory pages carry ordinary pages numbers that conflict with the run of numbers in part 1; don't use them.} {title- Gents Mag 1801 title page} {header- Title page} {text- Change of imprint.} {image = G801Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine: / AND / Historical Chronicle. / For the YEAR MDCCCI. / VOLUME LXXI. / PART THE FIRST. / PRODESSE & DELECTARE [device, hand of flowers] E PLURIBUS UNUM. / By SYLVANUS URBAN, Gent. {marginal = imprint} LONDON, Printed by NICHOLS and SON, / at Cicero's Head, Red Lion Passage, Fleet-Street; / where LETTERS are particularly requested to be sent, POST PAID. / And sold by J. HARRIS (Successor to Mrs. NEWBERY), / the Corner of St. Paul's Church Yard, Ludgate-Street. 1801. {title- Gents Mag 1808 title page} {header- Title page} {text- A 'new series', but the volume numbering does not start afresh; this is not explained in the preface. Pagination continues in one sequence for the whole year. The volume number within the new series is provided in parenthesis in succeeding years.} {image = G808Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine: / AND / Historical Chronicle. / For the Year 1808. / VOLUME LXXVIII. / BEING THE FIRST OF A NEW SERIES. / PART THE FIRST. / PRODESSE & DELECTARE [device, bowl of flowers] E PLURIBUS UNUM. / By SYLVANUS URBAN, Gent. {marginal = imprint} LONDON, Printed by JOHN NICHOLS and SON, / at Cicero's Head, Red Lion Passage, Fleet-Street; / where LETTERS are particularly requested to be sent, POST PAID. / And sold by J. HARRIS (Successor to Mrs. NEWBERY), / the Corner of St. Paul's Church Yard, Ludgate-Street. 1808. {text- A different printer's device; though the printer does not seem to have changed.} {header- Month title page} {image = G808Tit2.jpg} {text- The month title page has a contents list. It also advertises embellishments, ie plates, but hardly a formal list.} {title- Gents Mag 1810 title page} {header- Title page} {text- The two parts are still one volume, but the pagination of the two parts is now separated, and includes the index pages.} {image = G810Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine: / AND / Historical Chronicle. / From JULY to DECEMBER, 1810. / VOLUME LXXX. / (BEING THE THIRD OF A NEW SERIES.) / PART THE SECOND. / PRODESSE ET DELECTARE [device, bowl of flowers] E PLURIBUS UNUM. / By SYLVANUS URBAN, Gent. {marginal = imprint} LONDON: Printed by JOHN NICHOLS and SON, / at Cicero's Head, Red Lion Passage, Fleet Street; / where LETTERS are particularly requested to be sent, POST-PAID. / And sold by J. HARRIS (Successor to Mrs. NEWBERY), / at the Corner of St. Paul's Church Yard, Ludgate Street. 1810. {header- Month title page} {image = G810Tit2.jpg} {image = G810Tit3.jpg} {text- The month title page has a contents list and advertises embellishments ie plates.} {text- The illustration of St John's Gate changes. The illustrations of the gate, the home of Edward Cave, have not been studied particularly; but some variants are illustrated in these notes.} {title- Gents Mag 1812 title page} {header- Title page} {text- New imprint.} {image = G812Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine: / AND / Historical Chronicle. / From JANUARY to JUNE, 1812. / VOLUME LXXXII. / (BEING THE FIFTH OF A NEW SERIES.) / PART THE FIRST. / PRODESSE ET DELECTARE [device, bowl of flowers] E PLURIBUS UNUM. / By SYLVANUS URBAN, Gent. {marginal = imprint} LONDON: Printed by NICHOLS, SON, and BENTLEY, / at Cicero's Head, Red Lion Passage, Fleet Street; / where LETTERS are particularly requested to be sent, POST-PAID. / And sold by J. HARRIS (Successor to Mrs. NEWBERY), / at the Corner of St. Paul's Church Yard, Ludgate Street. 1812. {title- Gents Mag 1814 title page} {header- Title page} {image = G814Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine: / AND / Historical Chronicle. / From JANUARY to JUNE, 1814. / VOLUME LXXXIV. / (BEING THE SEVENTH OF A NEW SERIES.) / PART THE FIST. / PRODESSE ET DELECTARE [device, bowl of flowers] E PLURIBUS UNUM. / By SYLVANUS URBAN Gent. {marginal = imprint} LONDON: Printed by NICHOLS, SON, and BENTLEY, / at Cicero's Head, Red Lion Passage, Fleet Street; / where LETTERS are particularly requested to be sent, POST-PAID. / And sold by J. HARRIS (Successor to Mrs. NEWBERY), / at the Corner of St. Paul's Church Yard, Ludgate Street; / and by PERTHES and BESSER, Hamburgh. 1814. {text- The magazine has a new agent, or publisher, in Hamburgh, Germany.} {header- Indexing} {text- There are the usual indexes to essays, books, poetry and names, and a new index to musical publications. This appears later as music reviewed, but is soon dropped.} {image = G814Ndx.jpg} {image = G814Ndx2.jpg} {image = G814Ndx3.jpg} {image = G814Ndx4.jpg} {image = G814Ndx6.jpg} {image = G814Ndx5.jpg} {header- Errata} {text- An example of a list of errata, unusually long, with an acknowledgement to} A FRIEND TO ACCURACY. {image = G814A732.jpg} {text- Notice the colophon, and the device.} {header- Indexing} {text- Variant Indexes, 1815} {image = G815Ndx.jpg} {image = G815Ndx3.jpg} {image = G815Ndx2.jpg} {title- Gents Mag 1819 title page} {header- Title page} {text- Change of imprint.} {image = G819Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine: / AND / Historical Chronicle. / From JANUARY to JUNE, 1819. / VOLUME LXXXIX. / (BEING THE TWELTH OF A NEW SERIES.) / PART THE FIRST. / PRODESSE ET DELECTARE [device, bowl of flowers] E PLURIBUS UNUM. / By SYLVANUS URBAN, Gent. {marginal = imprint} LONDON: Printed by JOHN NICHOLS and SON, / at Cicero's Head, Red Lion Passage, Fleet Street; / where LETTERS are particularly requested to be sent, POST-PAID. / And sold by J. HARRIS (Successor to Mrs. NEWBERY), / at the Corner of St. Paul's Church Yard, Ludgate Street, / and by PERTHES and BESSER, Hamburgh. 1819. {title- Gents Mag 1820 title page} {header- Indexing} {text- A general index to the magazine from 1731 to 1818 is offered.} {image = G820B663.jpg} {text- The pattern of indexing follows that of the volume indexes; there are four volumes in which:-} This index, which will be of the greatest utility to those who possess the whole set of the most antient and best-supported Magazine, is divided into Seven distinct portions. 1. Essays, Original Letters, &c. &c. 2. Select Poetry, antient and modern. 3. Books reviewed. 4. Books announced for Publication. 5. Musical Publications. 6. Plates. 7. Promotions, Births, Marriages, Obituary, &c. {text- A fifth volume repeats some of the indexing, being both a list and index to plates and illustrations.} {text- Dr Johnson's comment is:-} The Utility of GENERAL INDEX, to so Miscelllaneous a Work as the GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, when the Indulgence of the Publick has increased to [NINETY] Volumes, is too evident to be questioned; and we therefore hope that we are now making some return to our Friends, however unequal, for the Favours which we have received; for not to be able to find what we know to be in our possession, is a more vexatious circumstance than the mere want of what we have neglected to procure. This index will not only assist the Forgetful, but direct the Inquisitive. It will enable those who read for higher purposes then mere Amusement, to class the many subjects which our extenive Plan has included, and to bring together much useful Knowledge, in ... {text- And there is a statement of aims and objectives (to use contemporary parlance).} {image = G820B664.jpg} {title- Gents Mag 1821 title page} {header- Cancel} {text- } {text- This is not the only one I've seen, but there is an example of a 'cancel' in part 2 p.670, in a direction to the binder at the very end of the volume for 1821:-} [three stars] The binder will cancel pages 493 and 494, of part II. of this Volume. {title- Gents Mag 1822 title page} {header- Title page} {text- New layout and ammended imprint.} {image = G822Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE: / AND / HISTORICAL CHRONICLE. / FROM JANUARY TO JUNE, 1822. / VOLUME XCII. / (BEING THE FIFTEENTH OF A NEW SERIES.) / PART THE FIRST. / PRODESSE & DELECTARE. [device, bowl of flowers] E PLURIBUS UNUM. / BY SYLVANUS URBAN, GENT. {marginal = imprint} London: / PRINTED BY JOHN NICHOLS AND SON, 25, PARLIAMENT-STREET; / WHERE LETTERS ARE PARTICULARLY REQUESTED TO BE SENT, POST-PAID; / AND SOLD BY JOHN HARRIS AND SON (SUCCESSORS TO MRS. NEWBERY), / AT THE CORNER OF ST. PAUL'S CHURCH YARD, LUDGATE STREET; / AND BY PERTHES AND BESSER, HAMBURGH. / 1822. {header- Month title page} {image = G822Tit2.jpg} {text- Notice that John Nichol's address is still Cicero's Head, but now with a street number.} {header- List of plates} {image = G822Ndx.jpg} {text- The list of plates, presented in alphabetical order as an index. Notice the woodcuts are distinguished by a stars - these are illustrations in the body of the text, the others are plates tipped in.} {title- Gents Mag 1824 title page} {header- Title page} {text- Change of imprint in part 2.} {image = G824Tit2.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE: / AND / HISTORICAL CHRONICLE. / FROM JULY TO DECEMBER, 1824. / VOLUME XCIV. / (BEING THE SEVENTEENTH OF A NEW SERIES.) / PART THE SECOND. / PRODESSE & DELECTARE. [device, bowl of flowers] E PLURIBUS UNUM. / BY SYLVANUS URBAN, GENT. {marginal = imprint} London: / PRINTED BY JOHN NICHOLS AND SON, 25, PARLIAMENT-STREET; / WHERE LETTERS ARE PARTICULARLY REQUESTED TO BE SENT, POST-PAID; / AND SOLD BY JOHN HARRIS / AT THE CORNER OF ST. PAUL'S CHURCH YARD, LUDGATE STREET; / AND BY PERTHES AND BESSER, HAMBURGH. / 1824. {header- Indexing} {text- There are occasional clues that the publishers were conscious that indexing was a problem to be thought about; what indexes should be provided, and how they should be arranged. Two examples of explanations:-} {image = G824Ndx.jpg} INDEX / TO ESSAYS, DISSERTATIONS, and HISTORICAL PASSAGES. / [three stars] All the Leading Names of the OBITUARY are distinctly entered in the / "Index to the Essays." {image = G824Ndx2.jpg} {text- The obituaries are frequently long essays. Having checked a couple, but only a couple, the names are duplicated in essay and name indexes.} INDEX TO NAMES. / [three stars] The Names of Persons noticed in the "Compendium of County History," are not included in this Index. {text- Clearly it was felt that the compendium entries would 'clog up' the name index.} {title- Gents Mag 1827 title page} {header- Title page} {text- Change of imprint.} {image = G827Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE: / AND / HISTORICAL CHRONICLE. / FROM JANUARY TO JUNE, 1827. / VOLUME XCVII. / (BEING THE TWENTIETH OF A NEW SERIES.) / PART THE FIRST. / PRODESSE & DELECTARE. [device, bowl of flowers] E PLURIBUS UNUM. / BY SYLVANUS URBAN, GENT. {marginal = imprint} London: / PRINTED BY J. B. NICHOLS, 25, PARLIAMENT-STREET; WHERE LETTERS ARE PARTICULARLY REQUESTED TO BE SENT, POST-PAID; / AND SOLD BY JOHN HARRIS / AT THE CORNER OF ST. PAUL'S CHURCH YARD, LUDGATE STREET; / AND BY PERTHES AND BESSER, HAMBURGH. / 1827. {header- Indexing} {text- Advertisement for the 5 volumes of general index.} {image = G827B700.jpg} {text- Followed by a statement of the aims of the magazine.} {image = G827B701.jpg} {title- Gents Mag 1828 title page} {header- Title page} {text- Change of imprint.} {image = G828Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, / AND / HISTORICAL CHRONICLE. / FROM JANUARY TO JUNE, 1828. / VOLUME XCVIII. / (BEING THE TWENT-FIRST OF A NEW SERIES.) / PART THE FIRST. / PRODESSE & DELECTARE. [device, bowl of flowers] E PLURIBUS UNUM. / BY SYLVANUS URBAN, GENT. {marginal = imprint} London: / PRINTED BY J. B. NICHOLS AND SON, 25, PARLIAMENT-STREET; WHERE LETTERS ARE PARTICULARLY REQUESTED TO BE SENT, POST-PAID; / AND SOLD BY JOHN HARRIS / AT THE CORNER OF ST. PAUL'S CHURCH YARD, LUDGATE STREET; / AND BY PERTHES AND BESSER, HAMBURGH. / 1828. {header- Indexing} {text- This isuue has a new index:-} {image = G828Ndx.jpg} {text- It doesn't last.} {header- Advertisements} {text- Examples of publisher's adverts; at the end of part 1:-} {image = G828A675.jpg} {image = G828A676.jpg} {title- Gents Mag 1830 title page} {header- Volume numbering} {text- The volume numbering of the magazines in Carlisle Library is confused from 1830 to 1833. This may be the fault of the binder who originally bound and cased these particular volumes. The confusion is in the spine number of the volumes; unfortunately those from 1831 to 1833 part 1 have no volume title page from which to check the publisher's numbers. The volumes stand on the shelf as tabulated below, with suggested 'correct' volume numbers:-} {table- } "","","","","" "year","part","Carlisle number","GM title page","" "","","","","" "1830","1","100","100 (ns 23)","" "1830","2","100","100 (ns 23)","" "1831","1","101","[101]","" "1831","2","102","[101]","" "1832","1","103","[102]","" "1832","2","104","[102]","" "1833","1","103","[103]","" "1833","2","103","103","'end of series'" "1834","1","1","1","'new series'" { -endtable} {text- The confused numbering, or labelling, of the volumes is a snare for researchers picking up one volume in isolation: BEWARE.} {title- Gents Mag 1833 title page} {header- Title page} {text- Part 2 has a new imprint, and is the end of a series.} {image = G833Tit2.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, / AND / HISTORICAL CHRONICLE. / FROM JULY TO DECEMBER, 1833. / VOLUME CIII. PART II. / BEING THE CONCLUSION OF A SERIES. / PRODESSE & DELECTARE. [device, bowl of flowers] E PLURIBUS UNUM. / BY SYLVANUS URBAN, GENT. {marginal = imprint} London: / PRINTED BY J. B. NICHOLS AND SON, 25, PARLIAMENT-STREET; WHERE LETTERS ARE PARTICULARLY REQUESTED TO BE SENT, POST-PAID; / AND SOLD BY WILLIAM PICKERING, CHANCERY LANE. / 1833. {text- I assume that the volume title page is printed after the end of the run, and so has the new publisher's name.} {header- Preface} {text- Meanwhile the preface is from the old publishers:-} {text- Change is necessary ...} {image = G833Pr5.jpg} {image = G833Pr6.jpg} {text- Notice the phoenix and motto.} COELUM NON ENIMUM / MUTAVIMUS. {text- There is a different cut of the phoenix in a later volume, 1852 part 2, vol.38:-} {image = G852Pr4.jpg} {title- Gents Mag 1834 title page} {header- Title page} {text- New series, starting volume 1, two volumes each year numbered separately, each with their own pagination. And change of title and change of imprint.} {image = G834Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / GENTLEMAN'S / MAGAZINE, / BY SYLVANUS URBAN, GENT. / VOLUME I. / NEW SERIES. / MDCCCXXXIV. / JANUARY TO JUNE / INCLUSIVE. / [illustration, St John's Gate] {marginal = imprint} LONDON: / WILLIAM PICKERING; / JOHN BOWYER NICHOLS AND SON. / 1834. {text- The illustration of St John's Gate is no longer on the monthly title page. The mottoes have gone.} {header- Month title page} {text- which has become rather unexciting; having just the shorter title and contents.} {image = G834Tit2.jpg} {header- Preface} {text- Preface with a statement of aims for this new series.} {image = G834A692.jpg} {header- Indexing} {text- The separate indexes for books reviewed and for books announced stops in 1835; returns in 1838; and so on.} {title- Gents Mag 1844 title page} {header- Title page} {text- Change of imprint.} {image = G844Tit2.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, / BY SYLVANUS URBAN, GENT. / VOLUME XXII. / MDCCCXLIV. / JUNE TO DECEMBER INCLUSIVE. / [illustration, St John's Gate] {marginal = imprint} LONDON: / JOHN BOWYER NICHOLS AND SON. / 1844. {text- ... although the 6 months starts July.} {header- Month title page} {text- } {image = G844Tit3.jpg} {title- Gents Mag 1849 title page} {header- Title page} {text- The volume 31 title has the same imprint as before; the volume 32 title is missing. In the Carlisle Library example the month title page serves as this volume's title page.} {text- Volume 32 has no indexes, but I wonder if this is because the bundle of front and end matter needed to make up the half year volume are missing by error of the subscriber who collected the magazine, or the binder.} {header- Month title page} {text- The outer wrapper of the July monthly issue. New imprint.} {image = G849Tit2.jpg} {marginal = title} VOL. XXXII. No.I. NEW SERIES. Price 2s. 6d. / THE / GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE. / JULY, 1849. / [illustration, St John's Gate] / ST. JOHN'S GATE, CLERKENWELL, THE RESIDENCE OF CAVE, / THE FOUNDER OF THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, 1731. {marginal = imprint} LONDON: / J. B. NICHOLS AND J. G. NICHOLS, / 25, PARLIAMENT STREET, WESTMINSTER; / WILLIAM PICKERING, 177, PICCADILLY; / J. PARKER, OXFORD; / J. AND J. J. DEIGHTON, CAMBRIDGE; / AND WILEY AND PUTNAM, NEW YORK. PRINTED BY J. B. NICHOLS AND SON, 25, PARLIAMENT STREET, / WHERE COMMUNICATIONS SHOULD BE SENT POST PAID. {text- The exhortation 'post paid' is still given, though postal services were now reformed on the modern pattern.} {title- Gents Mag 1850 title page} {header- Title page} {text- Change of imprint.} {image = G850Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE. / BY SYLVANUS URBANE, GENT. / VOLUME XXXIII. / NEW SERIES / MDCCCL. / JANUARY TO JUNE INCLUSIVE. / [illustration, St John's Gate] {marginal = imprint} LONDON: / JOHN BOWYER NICHOLS AND SON. / 1850. {text- The index to poetry has gone, and does not reappear. But, contents, other indexes and list of plates are included.} {text- Occasional volumes lack the list of plates, or one or other index, or volume title page. These might be oddities of the particular set of volumes seen at Carlisle Library.} {header- Preface} {text- At the foot of the preface, with a eulogy on Sylvanus Urban, is a familiar printer's device and one of the mottoes.} {image = G850Pr4.jpg} ... / [device, bowl of flowers] / E PLURIBUS UNUM. {header- Month title page} {image = G850Tit2.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE. / JANUARY, 1850. / BY SYLVANUS URBAN, GENT. {image = G850Tit3.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE / AND / HISTORICAL REVIEW. / JULY, 1850. {text- ... still referring to the Historical Review. This pattern continues for some years.} {header- Volume title page} {text- In the series of volumes at Carlisle Library there is an interesting binder's error. A copy of the volume title page for 1850 part 1, vol.34, is also used for vol.36, 1851 part 2. The page has been partly corrected in pencil.} {title- Gents Mag 1853 title page} {header- Title page} {image = G853Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE. / BY SYLVANUS URBAN, GENT. / VOLUME XXXIX. / NEW SERIES. / MDCCCLIII. / JANUARY TO JUNE INCLUSIVE. / [illustration, St John's Gate] {marginal = imprint} LONDON: / JOHN BOWYER NICHOLS AND SONS. / 1853. {header- Month title page} {image = G853Tit2.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE / AND / HISTORICAL REVIEW. / JANUARY, 1853. / ... {header- Preface and advertisement} {image = G853A716.jpg} IN an age which claims to give peculiar attentiotn to whatever is useful and practical the Gentleman's Magazine has stepped forward to occupy the vacant post of an Historical Review. ... {text- And an advertisement for the General Index:-} Complete in Five Volumes, / THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE INDEXES. I. - The first two Volumes of General Indexes, from 1731 to 1787. By the Rev. S. AYSCOUGH, F.S.A. Price 2l. 12s. 6d. II. - General Indexes, Cols. III. and IV. from 1787 to 1818, both inclusive. With a Prefatory Introduction, descriptive of the Rise and Progress of the Magazine; Anecdotes of the original Projector and his early Associates, and a Portrait of E. Cave. By J. NICHOLS, F.S.A. Price 3l. 3s. III. - General Index, Vol. V. being a complete List and Index to the Plates and Woodcuts from 1731 to 1818. By C. ST. BARBE, jun. Esq. F.S.A. With a Portrait of the Rev. Samuel Ayscough. Price 10s. 6d. These indexes are of the greatest utility to those who possess a whole set of this most ancient and best supported Magazine. They will remove those impediments that would have otherwise existed in discovering any particular information amongst so extensive a collection of volumes. [3 stars] A COMPLETE AND DESIRABLE SET OF THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, from 1731 to 1833, may be had, price 50l. Vols. I. to XXIX. of the New Series, price 15s. each. {title- Gents Mag 1857 title page} {header- Title page} {text- New series, new volume numbering, which gets off to a bad start. Part 1 is numbered volume 1 and volume 2 on two separate volume title pages! part 2 is volume 3, and from thence the numbering is regular - for a while.} {image = G857Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE / AND / HISTORICAL REVIEW. / BY SYLVANUS URBAN, GENT. / MDCCCLVII. / JANUARY TO JUNE INCLUSIVE. / BEING VOLUME I. OF A NEW SERIES. / AND THE TWO-HUNDRED-AND-SECOND SINCE THE COMMENCEMENT. / [illustration, St John's Gate] / ST. JOHN'S GATE, CLERKENWELL, / THE RESIDENCE OF CAVE, THE FOUNDER OF THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, 1713. / (IN ITS PRESENT STATE, JUNE, 1856.) {marginal = imprint} LONDON: / JOHN HENRY AND JAMES PARKER. / 1857. {text- There two errors on this title page. The simple error is that the start date of the magazine is given as 1713 instead of 1731. The more interesting error is the claim to be the 202nd since commencement. You have to count very carefully. 1731 to 1783 is 53 years of one volume per year: total 53 volumes. 1784 to 1833 is 50 years of two volumes per year, although only 50 volume numbers, multiply by 2: total 100 physical volumes. 1834 to 1856 is 23 years of two volumes per year, numbered separately: total 46 volumes. The total number of physical volumes up to 1856 is 199. 1857 volume 1 is the 200th since commencement. But never mind.} {text- Someone decided to put the first error right, changing 1713 to 1731. At the same time introducing a new error; the volume number is now given as 2!} {image = G857Tit2.jpg} {header- Month title page} {text- For February, which shows the pattern of what follows.} {image = G857Tit3.jpg} {header- Indexes} {text- Indexes are rethought: index to essays, which now includes the index to books; index to names; and a new concept, an index to topography, listed by place. This pattern continues.} {image = G857Ndx.jpg} INDEX / TO ESSAYS, DISSERTATIONS, HISTORICAL PASSAGES, / AND BOOKS REVIEWED. / [three stars] The Principal Memoirs in the OBITUARY are distinctly entered in the Index. / ... {image = G857Ndx2.jpg} INDEX TO NAMES, . Including Promotions, Preferments, and Deaths. - The longer articles of Deaths are entered in the preceding Index of Essays, &c. / ... {image = G857Ndx3.jpg} TOPOGRAPHICAL INDEX. {text- As before the list of plates comes and goes.} {title- Gents Mag 1860 title page} {header- Title page} {image = G860Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE / AND / HISTORICAL REVIEW. / BY SYLVANUS URBAN, GENT. / MDCCCLX. / JANUARY TO JUNE INCLUSIVE. / BEING VOLUME VIII. OF A NEW SERIES, / AND THE TWO-HUNDRED-AND-EIGHTH SINCE THE COMMENCEMENT. / [illustration, St John's Gate] / ST. JOHN'S GATE, CLERKENWELL, / THE RESIDENCE OF CAVE, THE FOUNDER OF THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, 1731. / (IN ITS PRESENT STATE, JUNE, 1856.) {marginal = imprint} LONDON: / JOHN HENRY AND JAMES PARKER. / 1860. {text- The binding order is a little odd in the set of volumes see, at Carlisle Library: volume title page, preface, then the month title pages for January to June, list of plates, then the text. The text pagination has gaps, presumably where the month title page is missing, pp.3-88, 91-200, 203-312, 315-424, 427-536, 539-648, plus indexes pp.649-676. The same arrangement is used in 1862.} {header- Month title page} {text- Two month title pages show the flavour of the contents and the arrangment in the magazine:-} {image = G860Tit2.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE / AND / HISTORICAL REVIEW. / JANUARY, 1860. / CONTENTS. / ... / BY SYLVANUS URBAN, GENT. {image = G860Tit3.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE / AND / HISTORICAL REVIEW. / FEBRUARY, 1860. / CONTENTS. / ... / BY SYLVANUS URBAN, GENT. {title- Gents Mag 1862 title page} {header- Title page} {text- New title page.} {image = G862Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine / AND / HISTORICAL REVIEW. / BY SYLVANUS URBAN, GENT. / M DCCC LXII. / JANUARY TO JUNE INCLUSIVE. / BEING VOLUME XII. OF A NEW SERIES, / AND THE TWO-HUNDRED-AND-TWELFTH SINCE THE COMMENCEMENT. / [illustration, St John's Gate] / ST. JOHN'S GATE, CLERKENWELL, / THE RESIDENCE OF CAVE, THE FOUNDER OF THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, 1731. / (IN ITS PRESENT STATE, 1856.) {marginal = imprint} London: / JOHN HENRY AND JAMES PARKER. / 1862. {text- The number since commencement continues wrong through this series.} {header- Month title page} {text- There is a problem with this volume as seen in Carlisle Library. There are no monthly title pages, but when the page numbers are inspected you find that pp.1-2 which, would have been the month title page and reverse, are missing. And the corresponding page numbers for each month are also missing. Have they been taken off by the binder? perhaps because they were the month cover pages, of stiffer paper. Whatever the reason, it means that today's reader has no month contents.} {text- The problem exists in succeeding volumes.} {header- Correspondents} {text- The following exhortation was noticed in an issue in 1863:-} Antiquarian and Literary Intelligence. (Correspondents are requested to append their Address, not, unless agreeable, for publication, but in order that a copy of the GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE containing their Communications may be forwarded to them.) {title- Gents Mag 1864 title page} {header- Title page} {image = G864Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine / AND / HISTORICAL REVIEW. / BY SYLVANUS URBAN, GENT. / M DCCC LXIV. VOL. I. / JANUARY TO JUNE INCLUSIVE. / BEING VOLUME XIV. OF A NEW SERIES, / AND THE TWO-HUNDRED-AND-SIXTEENTH SINCE THE COMMENCEMENT. / [illustration, St John's Gate] / ST. JOHN'S GATE, CLERKENWELL, / THE RESIDENCE OF CAVE, THE FOUNDER OF THE GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE, 1731. / (IN ITS PRESENT STATE, 1856.) {marginal = imprint} London: / JOHN HENRY AND JAMES PARKER. / 1864. {text- Labelling this as Vol.I is misleading, it is part 1. The pattern of vol.1 vol.2 for parts is continued in succeeding years. Reader: beware.} {text- 1864 volume 17 is missing in the Carlisle Library set.} {header- Month title page} {text- As noted for 1862, the month title pages are missing.} {title- Gents Mag 1866 title page} {header- Title page} {text- New series, new imprint; starts at volume 1. A new motto.} {image = G866Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine / AND / HISTORICAL REVIEW. / Aliusque et idem. - Hor. / [illustration, St John's Gate] / ST. JOHN'S GATE, CLERKENWELL. / The Residence of Cave, Founder of the Gentleman's Magazine, 1731. / BY SYLVANUS URBAN, GENT. / NEW SERIES. / VOL. I., JAN.-JUNE, 1866. / (BEING THE TWO-HUNDRED-AND-TWENTIETH SINCE THE COMMENCEMENT.) {marginal = imprint} London: / BRADBURY, EVANS, & CO., 11, BOUVERIE STREET. / 1866. {text- The number since commencement is still wrong.} {header- Month title page} {image = G866Tit2.jpg} {text- This is page 1, so it is presumably the month title page. Unless there was a separate cover page with contents, there is no contents list.} {title- Gents Mag 1868 title page} {text- Part 1 is volume 5 of its series.} {header- Title page} {image = G868Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine / AND / HISTORICAL REVIEW. / Aliusque et idem. - Hor. / [illustration, St John's Gate] / ST. JOHN'S GATE, CLERKENWELL. / The Residence of Cave, Founder of the Gentleman's Magazine, 1731. / BY SYLVANUS URBAN, GENT. / NEW SERIES. / VOL. V., JAN.-MAY, 1868. / (BEING THE TWO-HUNDRED-AND-TWENTY-FOURTH SINCE THE COMMENCEMENT.) {marginal = imprint} London: / BRADBURY, EVANS, & CO., 11, BOUVERIE STREET. / 1868. {text- Only five months, before the new publisher.} {header- Preface} {text- An editors farewell.} {image = G868Pr6.jpg} {image = G868Pr7.jpg} {text- The magazine is to be reduced in its scope:-} ... leaving the records of Learned Societies to their own media, the GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE will be a work of general literature. In a manly and healthy tone it will treat of everything in which the modern gentleman is interested. ... {text- From this date the magazine is no longer a useful fount of essays, dissertations, and such like, though correspondence with the editor, Sylvanus Urban, still includes good stuff and there are some other interesting articles.} {header- Title page} {text- Part 2 is volume 1 of a new series; new device, new title; same publisher.} {image = G868Tit2.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE / ENTIRELY NEW SERIES / VOL. I. / JUNE - NOVEMBER. / [device] / JAMAIS VIEIL / SANS PEUR SANS REPROCHE {marginal = imprint} LONDON / BRADBURY, EVANS, & CO., 11, BOUVERIE ST., E.C. / 1868. {text- Having 6 months' issues, which awkwardly ends at November. The arrangement of the year's two parts of 6 months as December-May, June-November, continues till 1871. 1871 part 2, volume 7 of the series, has 7 months, June-December, reinstating a sensible plan.} {header- Month title page} {image = G868Tit3.jpg} {text- A bland title page for the month; a new statement of aims.} {header- Indexing} {text- The only indexing of the entire six issues is a single page labelled contents, this, in alphabetical order is the volume index.} {image = G868Ndx.jpg} {text- For this first volume of the new series there is an index to obituaries; this is not continued in further issues.} {title- Gents Mag 1871 title page} {header- Title page} {text- Two changes of imprint in one year; an entirely new series - again.} {image = G871Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE / ENTIRELY NEW SERIES. / VOL. VI. / DECEMBER - MAY. / [device, coat of arms with mottoes] / JAMAIS VIEIL / SANS PEUR SANS REPROCHE {marginal = imprint} LONDON: / W. H. ALLEN & CO., 13, WATERLOO PLACE, S.W. / 1871. {text- The colophon on p.748 is:-} LONDON: / GRANT AND CO., PRINTERS, TURNMILL STREET, E.C. {text- and part 2:-} {image = G871Tit2.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE / ENTIRELY NEW SERIES. / VOL. VII. / JUNE - DECEMBER. / [device, coat of arms with mottoes] / JAMAIS VIEIL / SANS PEUR SANS REPROCHE {marginal = imprint} LONDON: / GRANT & CO., 102, FLEET STREET, E.C. / 1871. {text- At least the muddling months get sorted out; part 2 has 7 issues to bring it to December.} {header- Preface} {image = G871Pr9.jpg} ... ... The present volume of The Gentleman's Magazine contains an additional number beyond the previous volumes of the New Series. I have made this change in order that a new volume may begin with the New Year. "The Valley of Poppies," which is finished this month, will be succeeded by a new story from the deservedly popular pen of Whyte Melville. ... With these remarks I commend to my indulgent readers everywhere, this new volume of what some friendly critis has called "the oldest and youngest of the magazines." SYLVANUS URBAN. {text- who, as editor, is now 140 years old.} {header- Month title page} {image = G871Tit3.jpg} {text- This is page 1, so it is presumably the month title page. Unless there was a separate cover page with contents, there is no contents list.} {title- Gents Mag 1872 title page} {header- Title page} {image = G872Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE / ENTIRELY NEW SERIES. / VOL. VIII / JANUARY - JUNE. / JAMAIS VIEIL [device, coat of arms with mottoes] SAND PEUR SANS REPROCHE {marginal = imprint} LONDON: / GRANT & CO., 102, FLEET STREET, E.C. / 1872. {header- Indexing} {image = G872Pr10.jpg} {image = G872Pr11.jpg} {image = G872Pr12.jpg} {text- In this series each volume has a 'contents' which, in alphabetical order, is a volume index. Notice that each work of fiction get a separate entry for each chapter, but Table Talk, with its varied content just gets a list of pages. Notice also the entry for 'Science in 1871' which is later expanded, for a short while, into a new regular section.} {title- Gents Mag 1875 extra} {header- Gentleman's Magazine supplements, 1875-77} {text- Supplements were produced at the end of each year of the Gentleman's Magazine for many years, I have not studied these in any systematic way. In the Carlisle Library a set of three year's supplements are bound together, the spine labelled '1875' with no volume number, containing examples of the sort of fiction that had become a main part of the magazine:-} {header- Title page} {image = G875XTit.jpg} {marginal = title} STREAKED / WITH / GOLD / BEING THE EXTRA CHRISTMAS NUMBER FOR 1875 OF THE / GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE. / ... {header- Title page} {image = G876XTit.jpg} {marginal = title} RARE GOOD LUCK / A FORTUNE IN SEVEN STROKES. / Being the Extra Christmas Number for 1876 of the / GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE. {header- Title page} {image = G877XTit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / GENTLEMAN'S ANNUAL. / CHRISTMAS 1877. / OLD FATHER TIME: / A TRUE STORY FOUNDED UPON FICTION. / .. {title- Gents Mag 1876 title page} {header- Title page} {text- Part two has a change in design of the title page:-} {image = G876Tit2.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE. / JULY TO DECEMBER, 1876. / One hundred and forty-sixth Year of / Publication. {marginal = imprint} LONDON: / GRANT & CO., 72 TO 78, TURNMILL STREET, E.C. / 1876. {header- Indexing} {image = G876Pr11.jpg} {text- Table Talk is now indexed more fully.} {title- Gents Mag 1877 title page} {text- This is the start of a new series, two volumes each year, the numbering reverting to continue an original count: this part is volume 240. Each volume is for 6 months; January to June, July to December, and has its own pagination. The original printers device and mottoes are reinstated.} {image = G877Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine / VOLUME CCXL. / JANUARY TO JUNE 1877 / PRODESSE & DELECTARE [device, hand of flowers] E PLURIBUS UNUM / Edited by SYLVANUS URBAN, Gentleman {marginal = imprint} London / CHATTO & WINDUS, PICCADILLY / 1877 / All rights reserved {text- Fiction and poetry now seem to dominate the contents.} {text- Notice the colophon on part 1 p.760:-} Spottiswoode & Co., Printers, New-street Square, London {header- Volume numbering} {text- The new series of the magazine that was started in 1857 began with problematic volume numbering: 1857 part 1 was numbered volume 1 but also volume 2, by mistake; 1857 part 2 was volume 3, continuing the error to 1865 volumes 18 and 19. From 1866 volumes are numbered in a new series beginning volume 1. The 1857 volume 1,2 is claimed to be the 202nd since commencement, though it is really the 200th; the error in count continued for succeeding volumes. 1857 to 1876 inclusive is 20 years of two volumes per year: total 40 volumes. This first volume of 1877, numbered volume 240, is truly the 240th since the beginning.} {text- The correct numbering continued for 7 volumes to 1880 part 1 as volume 246; then 1880 part 2, which is the 247th since commencement, is numbered volume 249 with a note on the reverse of the title page:-} (The seven volumes preceeding the present are incorrectly numbered: The present volume is correctly described as the Two hundred and Forty-ninth from the commencement of the Magazine in 1731.) {text- Beware that the Carlisle Library volume 249 has 247 on the spine, and the title page amended in pencil from 249 to 247.} {text- The corrected, though incorrect, numbering is continued to 1907 part 1 as volume 302.} {header- Indexing} {text- Each volume has a 'contents' in alphabetical order ie a short index. This includes a list of the contents of theTable Talk section. There is no other index except a list of the plates illustrating the stories.} {title- Gents Mag 1884 title page} {header- Title page} {text- By now the magazine seems to have no illustrations at all; and the preface has gone.} {image = G884Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / Gentleman's Magazine / VOLUME CCLVI. / JANUARY TO JUNE 1884 / PRODESSE & DELECTARE [device, hand of flowers] E PLURIBUS UNUM / Edited by SYLVANUS URBAN, Gentleman {marginal = imprint} London / CHATTO & WINDUS, PICCADILLY / 1884 / The right of translation is reserved) {text- The volume numbering has now slipped again. This year should be vols. 254 and 255, the numbers have gone up 2 matching the earlier error started in 1857.} {header- Indexing} {text- Each volume index the expanded entry for Table Talk continues. There is also an expanded index for Science Notes which appear in the magazine as a section, from about 1881 to 1888.} {image = G884Pr4.jpg} {header- Month title page} {image = G884Tit2.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE. / JANUARY 1884. / ... {title- Gents Mag 1907 title page} {header- Title page} {text- The old printer's device and mottoes have gone again, replaced as earlier by an illustration of St John's Gate.} {image = G907Tit.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / GENTLEMAN'S / MAGAZINE / ST. JOHN'S GATE / [illustration, St John's Gate] / NEW SERIES / VOL. CCCII / (JANUARY TO JUNE 1907) {marginal = imprint} LONDON / 1 YORK STREET, COVENT GARDEN, W.C. {text- This was effectively the last year of publication. The one volume for the year in Carlisle Library has part 1, January to June, bound together with three months, July to September of part 2. There is no preface. Table Talk is replaced by Sylvanus Urban's Notebook.} {text- The magazine was continued as a four page leaflet, to keep the title alive, to 1922.} {header- Month title page} {image = G907Tit2.jpg} {marginal = title} THE / GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE / The Trade of Literature / ... {image = G907Tit3.jpg} THE / GENTLEMAN'S MAGAZINE / JULY 1907 / The Classes and the Masses / (It is the desie of the Editor that THE GENTLE- / MAN'S MAGAZINE should give expression to widely / varying opinions on important subjects of contro- / versy; but he does not, of course, identify hiself / with his contributors in the statement of their / views.) / ... {header- Indexing} {image = G907Ndx.jpg} {text- The volume has a proper index.} {series- Lakes Guides} {title- Gents Mag, review of volumes} {author- Norgate, Martin & MN: 2.8.2012} {version- last edit: 26.8.2015} {abstract- Notes about the arrangements of volumes of the Gentleman's Magazine, published London, 1731 to 1922.} {header- Volumes and Pagination} {subhead- volumes Volume numbering begins simply; one volume per year, for twelve monthly issues, perhaps with a supplement at the end of the year. 1731 January to December is volume 1. After 1830, volume 100, the volume numbering becomes less regular, and sometimes chaotic. } {subhead- pagination Early pagination is straightforward, start at 1 on the January title page and count to the end of December or the supplement; this continues to 1783. Excepting 1732 which has anomolous pagination. Front and end matter, volume title, preface, indexes, and so on are not in the sequence. Later issues include the indexes in the sequence, but not the front matter. From 1784 the magazine is in two parts per year, but the pagination is continuous through the two parts. From 1810, although the year is one volume, the two parts are paginated in two sequences from 1 onwards; this makes referencing tricky, beware. From 1830 the two parts carry separate volume numbers. Looking closely, some interesting errors in pagination occur, watch carefully. } {text- NOTA BENE: Over the long span of publication the number of new series and misnumberings of volumes make it essential for today's researcher to give references by the year, part and page number. The declared volume number from its title page might be given as well, but is not very useful.} {header- Indexes, Contents, etc} {text- Indexing varies from period to period, but for many years there is a common pattern of four indexes; index to essays etc, index to books, index to poetry, and index to names. The order in which they are presented varies. And each monthly issue had a contents on its title page.} {text- The title page of the first volume, 1731, declared it was published:-} {inset- ... Together with An ALPHABETICAL INDEX of the NAMES mentioned throughout the WHOLE, for the easier finding any Occurrence, Death, Marriage, Birth, Promotion, Accident, Adventure, or other Circumstance relating to them. ...} {text- The volume index headers for 1735 are typical:-} {inset- INDEX TO THE DEBATES and PROCEEDINGS in Parliament, the ESSAYS, Dissertations, and Historical Passages, foreign and domestick, in VOL. V. for the Year 1735. / N.B. If the Reader should not find any Article in these Indexes, he may be directed to it by perusing the Contents at the beginning of each Month, which the binder is therefore by no means to throw away.} {inset- INDEX to the POETRY.} {inset- INDEX of the Names to the Marriages, Births, Deaths, Promotions, and Bankrupts.} {inset- INDEX to the Register of BOOKS.} {text- From 1766, vol.36, and a number of succeeding volumes, the index to essays etc was split in two; an index to essays etc, and an:-} {inset- INDEX to the OCCURRENCES, VOL. XXXIII.} {text- It presumably became increasingly hard to distinguish the categories and the separate concept was abandonned. In this experiment and a trial of more precise name indexing about 1767, it can be seen that the editor/s were actively exploring how indexing worked.} {text- In 1767, vol.37, the index for names is broken into separate parts: for births; marriages; deaths; war office, presumably for promotions etc, as mentioned in earlier name index headers; and for bankrupts. The idea of separate name indexes is abandonned later.} {text- From the volume for 1784, vol.53, the year's issues are bound in two, and indexing is made separately for each part.} {text- The index headers for 1814 are much as before:-} {inset- INDEX To the Essays, Dissertations, and Historical Passages, from January to June 1814.} {inset- BOOKS REVIEWED IN VOL. LXXIV. PART I.} {inset- INDEX TO MUSICAL PUBLICATIONS.} {inset- INDEX TO POETRY.} {inset- INDEX TO PLATES IN VOL. LXXXIV,. PART I.} {inset- INDEX TO NAMES IN VOL. LXXXIV,. PART I.} {text- The list of plates has become an index. The index to music does not last long.} {text- In 1824 the headers show some thought being given to what entries should occur where:-} {inset- INDEX TO ESSAYS, DISSERTATIONS, AND HISTORICAL PASSAGES. / [3 stars] All the leading Names of the OBITUARY are distinctly entered in the "Index to the Essays."} {inset- INDEX TO NAMES. / [3 stars] The Names of Persons noticed in the "Compendium of County History," are not included in this index.} {text- The volume for 1828 has a new index (which doesn't last):-} {inset- INDEX TO NOTICES OF FINE ARTS.} {text- From 1857 the indexes are on a new plan. There are three indexes: index to essays which now includes the books; index to names; and a new concept, an index to topography, listed by place. This pattern continues.} {inset- INDEX TO ESSAYS, DISSERTATIONS, HISTORICAL PASSAGES, AND BOOKS REVIEWED. / [3 stars] The Principal Memoirs in the OBITUARY are distinctly entered in this Iindex.} {inset- INDEX TO NAMES. / Including Promotions, Preferments, and Deaths. - The longer articles of Deaths are entered in the preceeding Index of Essays, &c.} {inset- TOPOGRAPHICAL INDEX.} {text- In 1868 the magazine changes greatly. The only indexing of the entire six issues is a single page labelled contents, this, in alphabetical order is the volume index. It includes an entry under:-} {inset- CORRESPONDENCE OF SYLVANUS URBAN} {text- ie letters to the editor. Each month's letters are listed, but month by month, not in alphabetical order. For this first volume of the new series there is an index to obituaries; this is not continued in further issues.} {text- The poor indexing, relying on a 'contents' is the pattern for the rest of the life of the magazine. The letters to Sylvanus Urban becomes Table Talk which sometimes has a list of topics, and for a period there is a section of Science Notes.} {text- In 1907 the magazine is at the end of its life. and at least it has a proper index, headed:-} {inset- INDEX (January to June, 1907)} {subhead- contents The early pattern is for each month's title page to have a list of contents. In the volumes to 1777 this is expanded on the reverse of the title page. The monthly contents survives to the 1860s. From 1868 a list of contents is only given for the volume. Although called Contents it is in alphabetical order and serves as a volume index. } {subhead- list of plates The list might be at the end of the volume, after the indexes. But it might be placed somewhere else; before the indexes, after the volume title page, wherever. It feels as if the compositor made the choice of location on the front and end matter according to the amount of text to be set. In earlier volumes the list of plates is in the order they appear in the volume, instructions to help the binder. In later volumes they might be an alphabetical list, an index to the plates. The list of plates might be called a list of embellishments. Note that: plates may not always bound into their volume in the obvious, or planned position. }