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Raw Data
Raw data from the Gentleman's Magazine extracts are offered for further study. (Copyright in the transcription remains with JandMN, authors of this website). All are ascii text files, readable by a wide variety of software:-
  • Transcript with editorial notes in a well formed xml file.
  • Transcript with editorial notes in a taged text file.
  • Transcript only in a simple text file.

xml text The transcript and editorial notes are presented as a well formed xml document. The structure is not declared, but is derived from TEI, the Text Encoding Initiative.
The xml document is placed in a new window; this has to be closed by hand when you have finished with it.

text+notes The transcript and editorial notes are presented as ascii text with tagging to make the relationshiop of various parts clear.
The ascii text opens in a new window; this has to be closed by hand when you have finished with it.

text only The transcript is presented as ascii text with a few markers for page breaks, etc.
The ascii text opens in a new window; this has to be closed by hand when you have finished with it.

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